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Monday, May 6, 2024
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WDSRA: Spark a movement with a simple share

You might not be familiar with us unless you're directly connected to our programs or services, but we're determined to change that. Why? Because...

WDSRA: Summer vibes

Weather around here sure can be unpredictable. One day it feels like winter will never end and the next like spring is beckoning. Well, here...

WDSRA: Enriching lives, connecting communities

Looking for a great evening out? What if you could support a great cause at the same time? We have you covered with The...

WDSRA: Ready to make a difference in 2024?

The start of a new year often feels like a blank canvas, ready for us to paint our aspirations and dreams. Setting resolutions or intentions...

WDSRA: ‘Tis the season!

Baking supplies bought… check. Holiday carols picked out… check. Calendar filled with holiday events… Absolutely! The holidays cast their magical spell, inspiring gratitude and revelry. At the...

WDSRA: An exercise in gratitude

Before we gobble up the turkey or pass the green bean casserole. Before launching into the age-old debate of whether whole cranberry sauce is...

WDSRA: Volunteers are the best

We love our volunteers! Simply because THEY. ARE. THE. BEST! WDSRA volunteers want a fun experience working with a great group of individuals. Our participants...

WDSRA: Transforming lives through inclusion

Imagine a dad's heartfelt wish for his little girl - to experience the same joys and connections as her peers. I recently met a dad...

WDSRA: Every child deserves a memorable summer

Friendships. Sports. Crafts. Games. Swimming. Field Trips. These are all things that keep campers happy and busy during the summer. With each interaction they...

WDSRA: Family fun for the summer

Summer is a great time to explore with family! Sometimes though, it can be a challenge to find sensory-friendly activities. Luckily, more and more...

WDSRA: Creating access and sustaining hope for all

One of the things I enjoy most about my job is getting to know our participants and families. My heart soars when a participant...

WDSRA: New mission and vision

The Western DuPage Special Recreation Association (WDSRA) began with one humble bowling program and one summer camp in 1976. Back then, we knew the mission...

WDSRA: Grow, connect and discover through recreation

At the heart of the Western DuPage Special Recreation Association (WDSRA) is the ability for every individual with a special need to grow as...

WDSRA: For today, tomorrow and all the tomorrows after that

This is a busy and exciting time at the Western DuPage Special Recreation Association (WDSRA). We are putting the finishing touches on our signature...

WDSRA: Excitement in the New Year

The New Year is full of excitement and promise. At the Western DuPage Special Recreation Association (WDSRA), we have a lot of "new" that...

WDSRA: Keeping spirits merry and bright

Without a doubt, this is one of the busiest seasons of the year and filled with the most excitement. Around the Western DuPage Special...

WDSRA: Gratitude at this time of thanks and giving

Are you feeling it? As November rolls in, I can’t help but feel the abundance of gratitude being projected all around us. Maybe it’s...

WDSRA: The power of partnerships

What do you get when you bring together the City of Naperville, the Naperville Park District and the Western DuPage Special Recreation Association (WDSRA)?...

WDSRA: Set your child up for success this fall

A few weeks ago I was at a summer party. It was great to see old friends, enjoy some great food and reconnect. It’s...

WDSRA – Teen Edition

Ah... the pre-teen and teen years. These are the years where, according to them, it’s all about friends and fun. But we know this...

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