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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Mike Barbour

Mike Barbour is a Service Officer, American Legion Post 43, and regular contributor to PN. Also contact him at mbarbour@wowway.com.

What Memorial Day Means to Me

Memorial Day is a time to remember the 1.2 million men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedoms. That is...

Veterans in Touch – Protect yourself Part 2

Above / Though no QR Codes are placed on this Naperville Park District sign designating Veterans Park, the sign stands to represent plenty of...

Veterans in Touch – Holidays

When I left for Vietnam on December 28, 1967, I truly thought I had seen my last Christmas. As I hugged my wife and...

Veterans in Touch – We Are Veterans

When I was starting to do my story for November and Veterans Day, I looked at last year's November column and I have to...

Veterans in Touch – The Quiz

Question: “What was the number one song in Vietnam through the years that still unites Vietnam Veterans today?” Don’t look now, but the answer...

Veterans in Touch – Women in need

In thinking about what to write about for September, a lightning bolt hit me. What about women who are Veterans? We have more women...

Veterans in Touch – Thoughts for a boring month

August is a month that has no holidays or events of any significance. That being said, all of us affected by the tornado on...

Veterans in Touch – The worst is over

As newlyweds our first home was what many would call a “fixer upper.” After tackling paneling on the ceiling, stuccoing the walls, laying “shag”...

Veterans in Touch – Helicopter facts of life

In these stressful times I want to put a smile on faces especially retired Helicopter Pilots who have been and will be VFW and...

Veterans in Touch – What Memorial Day means to me

Memorial Day is a time to remember the 1.2 million men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedoms. That is...