23.4 F
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Women From 100+ WWC Assist C.A.N. With Funds


A year ago, the Naperville Municipal Band made arrangements to pass the Martin-Mitchell Mansion commemorative plate to Community Access Naperville in celebration of the final day of the five-day C.A.N. Camp for young adults, ages 18-25.

Community Access Naperville President Sherry Healey accepted the Friendship Plate, saying her community-spirited group now will decide where it will go next on its journey throughout the community. At that time she noted that C.A.N. participants also provide volunteer services for other local nonprofit organizations, including Naperville Public Library, Sharing Connection, Morton Arboretum and the Kroehler Family YMCA, just for starters.

Volunteering is a big part of C.A.N.’s journey and when the unmet need for a large van to help the group travel to different locations became apparent, the Naperville chapter of 100+ Women Who Care under the leadership of Palma Aikins arrived to assist, Healey said.

In May, C.A.N. was selected as the recipient of this quarter’s donation – over $13,000 toward a 12-passenger van for C.A.N. volunteers,” Healey added.

Last month, a few of the members of 100+ WWC visited to see the C.A.N. group in action in the Community Room at First Congregational United Church of Christ where they meet three times a week. They presented a big check representing the 100+WWC donations from May.

The aim of Community Access Naperville is to empower people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to work in, contribute to, and enjoy their community.

Several work stations were set where participants created new crayons from recycled old ones, strung beads for rosaries and shredded reams of paper in a shredder, three ways the group also earns funds to help support its programs.

Community Access Naperville is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. For more info,
visit www.communityaccessnaperville.org.

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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.