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Monday, February 10, 2025

Memorial Day in Naperville – Monday, May 27


The Memorial Day Parade Committee, comprised of members of the American Legion Post 43, Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873, Naperville Municipal Band and community members, has announced that registration for bands, scouts, Veterans’ organizations and community groups to participate in the annual Memorial Day Parade is now open at www.napervillememorialdayparade.org.

As is tradition, beginning at 10:30AM on Memorial Day, this year Mon., May 27, the Naperville Memorial Day Parade officially will step off from Jackson Avenue and West Street to pay tribute to those individuals who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the military. The parade then heads east to Main Street, north to Benton Avenue, and east toward the Ss. Peter and Paul parking lot.

(Alert! Kindly note the change this year in the parade route along Main Street between Jackson Avenue and Benton Avenue because of streetscape construction along Washington Street.)

A brief military observance is held along Jackson Avenue near the Veterans Plaza along the Riverwalk.

Then the parade advances, making its way toward Central Park, just north of Benton Avenue.

Memorial Day Observance in Central Park

Immediately following the parade at noon, participants and the community are welcome to attend the 30-minute observance with brief speeches, patriotic music performed by the Naperville Municipal Band and other musical groups; with a wreath-laying that follows at the war memorial in Central Park. The address will be given by NVHS senior April Zhang, winner of the American Legion Oratorical Contest.

Watch for details later in the spring that will feature the complete schedule of Memorial Day observances that begin with early-morning flag-raising ceremonies in Naperville.

National Moment of Remembrance / 3PM Memorial Day

Local Memorial Day event organizers also request that all residents take a moment to participate in the National Moment of Remembrance at 3PM on Memorial Day. No matter where, simply observe one minute of silence at 3PM for the many military veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice and lost their lives in service to our country, including the 114 residents of Naperville that died while on Active Duty.

Schedule for Memorial Day Laying Wreaths

  • 7:45AM – Service at City Hall (Cmdr. Dan Shanower Memorial)
  • 8:15AM – Service at G.A.R. Monument in Naperville Cemetery (south side)
  • 8:35AM – Service at Veterans Park (100 E. Gartner Road)
  • 9AM – Service at Ss. Peter & Paul Cemetery (911 North Avenue)
  • 9:25AM – Service at Burlington Square (307 N. Ellsworth Street)
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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.