Above / Naperville Noon Lions Jim Woodring and Dave Cleveland assisted Optometrist Dr. Michael Russell during pre-kindergarten vision screenings in April. (Photo by Donna Kearney)
During the month of April 2024, the Naperville Noon Lions Club clocked more than 37 volunteer hours to assist with pre-kindergarten vision screenings.
Optometrist Dr. Michael Russell conducted pre-kindergarten vision screening at Ann Reid Early Learning Center on April 3, assisted by Naperville Noon Lions Jim Woodring, Dave Cleveland, and Donna Kearney.
On April 5, Dr Katie Hertzberg conducted the state-mandated vision testing at Scott Elementary School, also assisted by Woodring and Cleveland.
On April 11, Lions Ellen Wolff, Jim Ebers, Susan Koepeke, and Jay Short assisted Dr. Mark Rafferty in conducting the screening at Maplebrook Elementary School.
In all, 85 pre-kindergarten students were tested with the help of Lions Club volunteers.

The Noon Lions also participated in the Fry Family YMCA Healthy Kids Day On April 20, screening the vision of 42 children from the age of nine months to nine years old. Lions Donna Kearney, Jim Ebers, Glenn Behnke, Jane Bowers and Tom Garvey conducted the screening using the Plusoptix instrument.

A Plusoptix vision screener empowers volunteers from Lions Clubs, pediatricians, Head Start offices, Kid Sight programs and school nurses to detect the most prevalent vision disorders in children starting age 5 months to age 6.

The sooner a vision disorder or media opacity is detected, the better it can be treated. Early detection is the way Amblyopia, i.e. a lazy eye, can be prevented.
Lions’ Vision and Hearing Screenings support local schools
Assisting with vision and hearing screenings is one of the ways that Lions Clubs members support children in School Districts 203 and 204. Lions also assist local individuals who cannot afford the vision and hearing care they need.
Thanks for supporting Lions’ local fundraisers
In addition, they raise funds to support Naperville area charities. Their annual summer raffle fundraiser will begin in June.
Perhaps the Naperville Noon Lions are best known for their annual Turkey Trot 5K held early in the morning on Thanksgiving Day.
Naperville Noon Lions meet at Aurelio’s Pizza on Tuesday (at noon, of course). Guests are always welcome. For more information visit napervillenoonlions.org.
Report provided by Naperville Noon Lions / PN photos unless otherwise noted.