79.2 F
Monday, May 20, 2024

Bob Fischer

Bob Fischer is current President of the Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation.

Our team links to the ‘State of the City’

I was honored to be chosen as one of the presenters featured in Mayor Pradel’s State of the City Address at the end of...

Still time to resolve to attend NAHC meetings

Have you made any New Year’s Resolutions? If you have room for one more on your list, I would like to suggest resolving to...

Time to be ‘in the know’ is December 14

There are times I am convinced that three types of people populate our community. The first group, and one unfortunately in the minority, is...

Be prepared for changing seasons

As the days are getting shorter and the leaves are falling from the trees, we are fast nearing the end of the longest and...

Focus on safety and more in autumn

It is hard to believe it is fall, with fewer hours of daylight and the work around the house evolving to include raking leaves....

Homeowners Confederation is on track for another informative year

The Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation summer vacation is coming to a close. We are putting the finishing touches on our program agenda for the...

National Night Out welcomes neighbors to get together

With community celebrations of National Night Out scheduled in some 30 Naperville neighborhoods for Tues., August 6, the lyrics to the Sesame Street Song,...

Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation sets stage for another year

Stepping into Dr. Bob Buckman’s role as NAHC president is a daunting task. While his organizational leadership will be missed, I am comforted by...

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