32.4 F
Saturday, February 15, 2025

Focus on safety and more in autumn


NAHC Camera Ready LogoIt is hard to believe it is fall, with fewer hours of daylight and the work around the house evolving to include raking leaves. If you are frugal like me (or as my wife characterizes it, cheap) you are marking the calendar for curbside leaf pick up beginning October 21 and putting off cutting back garden plants until free bagged yard waste pick-up kicks in the first full week of November. My green friends also would appreciate a mention that mulching is a fine alternative to raking leaves. In the meantime, we hopefully can enjoy mild weather and “free days” for heating and cooling as the air conditioner and furnace both take a break.

In Homeowners Confederation business, recognizing that it is Public Safety Month in Naperville, our October meeting, scheduled for 8AM (for coffee and networking) Saturday Oct. 19, in meeting rooms B and C of the Municipal Center, will focus on initiatives by our Police and Fire Departments to protect us and our homes. We have been working with Chiefs Marshall and Puknaitis to come up with a list of interesting topics, some of which may literally save a life. Keep an eye on www.napervillehomeowners.com and the Positively Naperville events calendar for updates.

The Confederation has also been busy looking over proposed changes to zoning and land use ordinances. Over 50 pages of changes were proposed, most of them insignificant, but a few things caused concerns. We communicated these to city staff and hopefully they will be considered as Council votes. Several of us are also on an ad hoc committee looking at overnight on-street parking. This is a difficult topic with multiple points of view on what and where it should or should not be allowed. It remains a work in progress and input is welcome.

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Bob Fischer
Bob Fischerhttp://www.napervillehomeowners.com/
Bob Fischer is current President of the Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation.