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Monday, May 6, 2024

September Editor’s Notes


If we’ve said it once, we’ve said more than 14 times. Positively Naperville is an attitude.

We begin our 15th year this month, the month that will be remembered forever for the horrific impact of Sept. 11, 2001, way beyond New York City, rural Pennsylvania near Shanksville, and Washington, D.C. PN marks this milestone with a salute to sacrifices, our sponsors that have stuck with us through thick and thin, and the resilient American spirit. We’re always mindful, “Freedom isn’t free.”

The publishers of hyper-centric PN are dedicated toward highlighting positive community contributions, built on fiscally-responsible and solid principles; and to heighten awareness about local events that fill our calendars every day.

Without the plethora of civic-minded citizens who generously volunteer time from early in the morning until late at night, this city would be, well, just another ever-changing city.

Thanks to all!

As we look forward to some new products to be launched this month, our commentary is dedicated to thank the sponsors for their support. They not only support and serve the Naperville community in a multitude of ways, they help in the delivery of this independent community news source that aims to connect folks with a showcase of ideas, history and events that make things happen for the betterment of all of Naperville.

Our goal is to continue publishing news about local people, places and projects. Special events and fundraisers, service clubs and nonprofit humanitarian agencies along with all the reasons to shop locally will continue to sap our energies as we try to keep our citizenry in touch with realities and challenges.

We truly appreciate the feedback that keeps us moving forward, always trying to tell our city’s rich history, too, as we urge folks to pay attention to local issues and governing bodies.

Thanks for reading our small sampling of the many good things happening in our city —contributions that extend way beyond investing in a business.

In addition to our advertising sponsors, we are grateful to all of our dedicated contributors, designers, photographers, printers and members of our support team.

Our birthday issue is a time for us to reflect on what this city offers, always mindful that shopping locally helps bolster the economy (and sales tax revenues).

Cheers to catching the spirit of Naperville that arrived with Joe Naper and his family back in 1831. Thanks for reading!

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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.


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