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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Journey with Autism – Special Interview


JoeyThis month I interviewed Brandi Zawacki, Turning Pointe Student Services Director, former support person and wonderfully warm friend to individuals with autism.

When did you learn we (with autism) are not low intellect?

When I began working directly with individuals like you, the whole world of autism opened up to me. I was able to see firsthand the brilliant minds of so many children whose behavior often got in the way of learning or whose knowledge and skills were not assessed in a way that showed their true abilities.

Describe listening to communication from non-verbal persons?

I am constantly in awe of the communication from nonverbal individuals. The intelligence, compassion, curiosity, and humor serve as a constant reminder that although they may lack verbal skills, they remain individuals with opinions, thoughts, and feelings. Communication is a means to learn more about someone, and I always love chatting with the students I work with.

Does behavior issues mean a person lands in forced restriction?

I do not believe that behavior has to confine individuals with autism. Behavior serves a communication purpose; those around the person with autism must understand this in order to avoid restriction. Friends, family, and staff must help that person learn more appropriate means of communication so that their voice can be heard without necessitating the use of behavior.

What is your personal experience loving someone with autism?

My experience working at Turning Pointe has given me the opportunity to build relationships with our students. It is very fulfi lling to see them succeed, increase their independence, and continue to learn. Our students are kind, smart, witty, compassionate, opinionated, and unique children who have taught me so much about the abilities of individuals with autism. For that, I am forever grateful.

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Joe Rosenbloom
Joe Rosenbloom
Joe Rosenbloom is a 29-year-old young man with autism spectrum disorder, who is passionate about outreach and social justice.


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