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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Y – Christmas Luncheon for Seniors celebrates 30 years


Holidays always bring out the best in the community. Naperville is certainly no exception. This December a 30-year-old tradition continues because of the great sense of community that is Naperville.

bartlesOn Christmas Day the YMCA in partnership with the Naperville Park District will be hosting our 30th Annual Christmas Luncheon for Seniors. Founded on the idea that no senior should be alone during the holidays, this holiday tradition continues to serve seniors with low income and no local family to celebrate.

The notion of a holiday gathering for seniors began with an anonymous donor who underwrote the first meal in 1983. His motivation came after picking up his mother from a local nursing home. As they departed he saw many people had no one with whom to celebrate the holidays. He approached the YMCA about sponsoring a gathering and the idea was born.

Early luncheons included 40-50 people and was supported by the former Holiday Inn Select and Naperville Rotary Charities Foundation. Santas over the years included our very own Mayor Pradel, a frequent visitor to this event still today.

For many years the YMCA also hosted holiday dinners for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter, but as funding opportunities became scarce the YMCA could only commit to the Christmas event. Ray McGury and the Naperville Park District came to the rescue in 2011 when there was no room at the Inn (Holiday Inn) literally because of construction. That year the Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center hosted the event.

Today, the Christmas Luncheon offered at no cost is supported fully by generous individual donors. In 2012 the Naperville Marriott hosted the event that saw more than 120 seniors in attendance with more than 30 volunteers to help serve. Among other things, the 2-hour luncheon is filled with fellowship, food, sing-alongs and even bingo!

We expect our 30th event to be our largest yet. Thank you to everyone who has supported this event through the years. This could not happen without you!

For information on volunteering or sponsoring the Christmas luncheon for Seniors, please contact Brianne Pardo at bpardo@ymcachicago.org.

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R.J. Bartels
R.J. Bartelshttp://www.ymcachicago.org/kroehler/
R. J. Bartels is Executive Director at Kroehler Family YMCA. Contact him at rbartels@ymcachicago.org.


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