What a difference a day makes at Rotary Hill along the Naperville Riverwalk!
Almost as soon as the last one of 2,012 American flags was taken down after the Field of Honor ended on Nov. 13, the Riverwalk Sled Hill was marked off with bright orange fencing. All that remained of the memorable patriotic exhibit were the chalk lines that designated the paths across the field up and down so visitors could walk through the flags to read the commemorative yellow tags. What a wonderful Veterans Day week to remember!
Moving right along, we’re in no hurry to rush the cold white stuff. Yet when it falls, all ages will find fine sledding along the Naperville Riverwalk, within ear shot of the 72-bell Millennium Carillon inside the Moser Tower.
The Riverwalk Sled Hill officially will be opened daily from Dec. 1-Feb. 28, weather permitting. The Hill opens at daylight and closes at 9PM except on Fridays and Saturdays, when it remains open until 10PM.
In order for all sledders to be safe, a number of rules apply that will be posted soon at the top of the Rotary Hill.
First of all, sledders must provide their own inner tubes or plastic sleds. Wooden sleds, toboggans, snowboards and metal-runner sleds are not permitted.
Sledding Rules and Regulations
According the park district’s web site, sled hills throughout Naperville will open when the ground is frozen and covered by two or more inches of snow with no visible grass. Sledders assume full risk and responsibility for determining that all conditions are safe for sledding. Parent/ adults are responsible for supervising their children 8 years of age and younger.
When sledding, remember to pay attention:
– Keep your sled under control.
– Avoid other sledders and objects.
– Move quickly out of the path of other sledders.
– Climb uphill along the side of the slope.
– Children ages 8 and younger must be supervised by an adult.
– Only inner tubes and plastic sleds are allowed. Toboggans and sleds with metal runners are not permitted.
– No more than two persons are permitted on a sled at one time.
– Snowboards are not allowed on sled hills.
– Violation of posted rules may result in suspension from the sled hill and/or a fine.
Other Sled Hills in Naperville Neighborhood Parks Close at Dusk
– Arrowhead Park, 711 Iroquois Ave.
– Brooks Crossings, 1015 95th St.
– Country Lakes Park, 1835 North Aurora Rd.
– Gartner Park, 524 W Gartner Rd.
– May Watts Park, 804 S. Whispering Hills Dr.
The same rules and regulations apply at all Naperville sled hills. Thanks for talking to youngsters about the rules prior to visiting sled hills.
Enjoy a safe and happy winter outdoors!
If you missed the magnificent “Field of Honor,” use the handy SEARCH tool on this web site. Find out more about Operation Support Our Troops America, too.