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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Naperville Gardener – How to have an award-winning landscape – Course #103


Before we begin, let’s review. To create an attractive landscape, lowering the bar here, the weeds have got to go! Pull them, spray them, cut them down, but get them to the curb! It is a war that doesn’t end, but the fight can be reduced to little skirmishes. Weeds are going to seed now, so every weed that is removed will help reduce the weed population next year.

If your shrubs haven’t “greened up,” they probably aren’t going to. It’s so sad what our winter did to so many of our beautiful boxwoods and other shrubs, but it’s time to remove them. Cover the empty space with mulch until you decide how you want to replace them and maybe place a pretty pot of flowers, a steppingstone or two or a birdbath to fill the void.

On to this month’s lesson! Early August is the half-way point between the first day of summer (June 21) and the first day of fall (September 23). Sadly, we’re counting down the days of summer. Keep your plants well-watered, and remember to water in the morning so that foliage will be dry by evening. Stop fertilizing perennials, roses and shrubs. New growth won’t have time to prepare for winter. If you have mulched around your trees, be sure that the mulch does not go up the trunk. It should only cover lightly where the roots flare out from the trunk, and an inch or two deep beyond that. It should look like a donut, not a volcano of mulch.

Take a few minutes to consider your garden beds. Do you have the time and inclination to follow through on your well-thought-out plans? If you find that the spirit of gardening is strong, but the mortal gardener can’t keep up, consider using plants that require less care or having more well-groomed, but empty spaces.

I am delighting in my newish butterfly garden, right next to the drive on the way to our front door. It’s mostly perennials, some daffodils and allium, with a few annuals tucked in. I can work my way around it in very little time- cutting off spent blooms, pulling the few weeds and trimming back the nepeta (catmint) and lavender to keep them in their allotted spaces. I really enjoy watching the bees, birds and butterflies that come to eat and drink. I have added a birdbath and hung a birdfeeder and hummingbird feeder, so it’s quite the hub of activity!

Find your balance so that you can have a beautiful landscape! Keep at those weeds!

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Marilyn Krueger
Marilyn Kruegerhttp://www.napervillegardenclub.org
Marilyn Krueger is an avid local gardener and member of the Naperville Garden Club.


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