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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Art Talk – Who let the dogs out?


This city has gone to the dogs! At least, that is what first-time visitors may think. Right now, the heart of Naperville is home to 20 colorful hand-painted dog sculptures in a public art initiative. Hosted by the Downtown Naperville Alliance (DNA), the project was first introduced by Naperville United Way as a fundraiser in 2001. The effort continued with a different theme each year until 2008 when tough economic times interfered with profitability.

In 2012, DNA Executive Director Katie Wood worked to resurrect the endeavor and brought the sculptures back to the forefront. “Everyone loves art!” Katie exclaimed, “and the statues are a fun attraction.”

Sponsored by local businesses, the featured figures are painted by regional artists, students, and individuals from service groups, thus showcasing the talent and industry in the area.

Veteran sculpture painter Angela Graefenhain was recruited to create two statues for the current “Dog Days of Summer.” The former teacher has decorated at least 20 of the fiberglass forms since the inaugural display. Now the owner of Graefenhain Designs, an interior design and art services consultancy, Angela was able to dedicate close to 100 hours executing both pieces.

The first was commissioned by Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage’s Gail Niermeyer, a repeat sponsor for the sculpture project. Angela was given free creative rein in terms of concept with one minor caveat: a red cardinal was to be incorporated into the design. The result was a whimsical pattern of birds and flora in a subtle palette of gold, aqua, and pink.

Another sculpture sponsor, Marquette Companies, a client of Graefenhain Designs, contracted Angela with a more specific request: to produce a canine version of one of the greatest frontmen in rock history. Angela sketched out three full-color versions of her vision, one was selected, and Freddie Marquerry emerged. Curious visitors who look closely will discover a surprise hidden in the details of the iconic yellow multi-buckled military jacket: lyrics from Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody.”

The DNA invites everyone to wander around downtown and enjoy all of the creations, on display until mid-September. A downloadable dog sculpture map is available at www.downtownnaperville.com/sculptures. Check out the prominent pooches and return to the website to vote for your favorite. Watch for the winners to be announced on August 19.

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Debbie Venezia
Debbie Veneziahttp://www.artsdupage.org
Debbie Venezia is the Director of Arts DuPage, a DuPage Foundation initiative. Contact her at debbie@dupagefoundation.org or visit www.artsdupage.org.


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