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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Naperville Gardener – Winter is over


“She (a daffodil) shook her yellow head,

And whispered to her neighbor:

“Winter is dead.”

A.A. Milne, When We Were Very Young

Spring officially arrived March 20, not a day too soon. This season is my happy time of year when I love watching for the bulbs that I have planted over the years to rise from their winter slumber. Daffodils that I brought when we moved here from Indiana over 25 years ago will finally be divided this summer, making an even more glorious spring next year!

It is best to deadhead (remove the flowers) when the blooms on daffodils and tulips fade. Leave the foliage until it turns yellow as that is how the bulb gets energy for next year’s bloom. If the fading foliage bothers you, consider moving your bulbs to a new home around your daylilies or hostas. As the foliage fades, those plants will emerge and the transition from spring to summer will be a little easier. Even though hostas prefer shade, in many situations the nearby trees haven’t leafed out during the blooming time of the daffodils or tulips, so it works out just great.

If you must cut your daffodils to enjoy indoors, be advised that they ooze a fluid that will make other flowers wilt, so keep them in a vase of their own.

If you have sensitive skin, wear gloves because the sap may be irritating. I keep a box of doctor-like gloves on hand for situations such as this. They are in the first-aid aisle of the grocery stores and come in latex or vinyl. If you absolutely must combine them with other lovely flowers, soak them overnight by themselves, then rinse them off and enjoy your floral design.

Winter is over!

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Marilyn Krueger
Marilyn Kruegerhttp://www.napervillegardenclub.org
Marilyn Krueger is an avid local gardener and member of the Naperville Garden Club.


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