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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

June Editor’s Notes


“June is bustin’ out all over…All over the meadow and the hill…” and so goes the show tune written by Rodgers and Hammerstein for Carousel back in 1945.

Though it may seem unconnected, “You’ll Never Walk Alone” is another song with memorable lyrics from Carousel. Folks familiar with the musical will recognize, “When you walk through a storm hold your head up high.” And flashing back to “because it’s June… June, June, June,” readers might remember that Ben Franklin’s experiment with a kite and a key during a thunderstorm in June 1752 proved that lightning is an electrical charge. Who can imagine life without electricity?

Certainly gardeners know the value of lightning strikes to enrich the soil.

In the spirit of the Alzheimer’s Association campaign this month, a number of small planters of blue forget-me-nots have been placed around town. The aim is to grow awareness about the devastating diseases of Alzheimer’s and dementia that require families to have 24-hour care for their aging loved ones.

As we live longer, only research can help the unpredictable conditions of memory loss that know no boundaries of age, social status or gender. Anyone can encounter symptoms affecting thinking and social abilities that accompany Alzheimer’s disease and progressive dementia.

We’re hopeful folks everywhere will make the connection that a robust economy is our way to larger paychecks and generosity, a means to help fund research for mental health, other diseases and other unmet needs.

To sustain balance and the quality of life in thriving communities such as Naperville, residents are encouraged to do research at the library or online, of all places. Learn about Alzheimer’s as well as the high value of shopping in your hometown destinations to grow our economy and create jobs.

Looking beyond the first days of June, when spring lingers during sunny days at Centennial Beach before the longest day of the year arrives on June 20, another factoid is this month offers more hours of daylight than any other.

Use those daylight hours wisely! There’s so much to learn and so little time!

Before you know it, it’ll be July and time for Exchange Club of Naperville Ribfest, the city’s biggest party for a cause.

And Presidential conventions in Cleveland and Philadelphia will dominate news cycles. Meanwhile, all the victors in the March primary are featured on PN’s Election Guide. Besides President, other important offices are on the Nov. 8, 2016, ballot, too. Get to know candidates who seek to serve Naperville residents in DuPage County, Will County, Springfield and Washington. They also deserve vetting.

Considering all that’s on the horizon, this year’s lazy, hazy crazy days of summer offer many reasons to nurture your community and pay attention.

“At the end of a storm is a golden sky and the sweet silver song of lark.”

Thanks for reading and visiting www.positivelynaperville.com.


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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.


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