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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Teen’s Taste – Dinner Under the Clock


This month’s foodie experience took me to my surrogate grandparents’ house, Brand and Mary Ann Bobosky for a Sunday family night dinner under the clock.

Mary Ann served fresh homemade Kreger’s brats. The brats were cooked to perfection, full of flavor and slightly spicy. She had sauerkraut for those of us that wanted the authentic German experience.

She also made a delicious cucumber salad that was crisp and light.

Kreger’s is a family-owned Brat & Sausage Haus located at 6th and Ellsworth. They were established in 1893.

Kreger’s is open 9AM to 6PM, Thursday and Friday, and 8AM to 5PM on Saturdays. Brats are grilled year round outside from 11AM until 5:30PM, unless they run out.

I asked Brand to give me the details about the clock and he says the clock goes back probably 10 or 12 years.

The Boboskys were at a dinner/raffle for Ss. Peter and Paul Church and their neighbor, Mel Brucker, asked them if they would bid on a clock that was from the tower at Ss. Peter and Paul church. He knew that they were interested in art and they said, “Of course!” They started the bidding at $500 and then watched as the auctioneer, Dick Kuhn, kept trying to get more money, but nobody was interested. That means they bought the clock for $500.

The clock measures 6 1/2 feet in diameter and was white with black numerals upon it, just like the clock that replaced it.

It took them a year and a half to figure out what to do with it. Their daughter, Whitney, said, “Why don’t you put it up in the kitchen on the fireplace?”

They wound up doing that. The clock sat in their garage for about another year until they talked with Bart Gunderson, an artist who painted the city’s cultural center at the bandshell for Century Walk Corporation. He was available and over a weekend he painted what he said would be a rendering that resembled something that came off of the Titanic at the bottom of the ocean.

Next, they needed to place it on the wall and that’s where they used Keith Druek to install the clock. This was quite a project as the clock weighed over 600 pounds and he wanted to make sure that it was secure. It is!

It was Mary Ann’s idea to institute the “Dinner under the Clock” at both the Saint Pat’s and Ss. Peter and Paul fundraisers. They have fun at these dinners and enjoy entertaining those who contribute to these wonderful charities. Mary Ann’s cooking is outstanding.

Of course, Brand insists that guests view the Notre Dame bathroom as well as the shot glass collection that they have in their bar area. Brand says if everybody behaves himself, then they might even see the “total eclipse of the clock!”

Next time you’re fortunate to be at a fundraiser where the raffle is Dinner under the Clock, I say bid on it and bid high! Tell them Jack the foodie sent ya!

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Jack Morrissey
Jack Morrissey
Jack Morrissey is a senior at Naperville Central and aspiring foodie.


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