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Monday, May 6, 2024

Mo & Mike on the Move – Photos tell stories, bring back memories


Mike’s calendar is available at Anderson’s Bookshop! It’s a 2014 calendar with Mike’s photographs of Naperville (I think it’s beautiful!). It’s by the service desk – so please go and check it out. There are also photographs and postcards. Becky and Larry did a great job of putting this together. We are sending out copies to the kids in Arizona and Mike’s brothers and sisters who live throughout the country. They will know Naperville by the end of 2014!

KrolsMike and I have not been traveling lately, but we do have a new project. I finally had Mike go out and get a scanner. Right now, I am going through the boxes and boxes and more boxes of old photos, trying to streamline and digitize the photos.

Mike is going to have the job of editing and grouping the photos so that we can find them later. If you decide to do this yourselves, just one thing to watch for – I can’t believe how many multiple copies of the same photograph we have!

We also are finding some surprises – I found the original immigration papers for my Dad coming into the United States. I’m making copies for my siblings. Who knows what else we will find? It’s almost like a treasure hunt.

But it does start many discussions—do you remember this trip or this holiday? What a trip down memory lane!

Mike wondered, “How did these kids grow up so quick?”

I’m not going to mention how our grey hair keeps appearing in more and more of the photographs. I just finished scanning the pictures from Mike’s parent’s 50th wedding anniversary. Mike was just going over the photos and talking about all the friends and family that were there.

We also will say it’s a big project. Every time I think we’re getting there, we find another box of photos or old photo albums.

What did we get ourselves into?

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Maureen and Mike Krol
Maureen and Mike Krol
Maureen and Mike Krol can be contacted at mmkrol@sbcglobal.net.


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