Have you ever wanted to write your own novel?
Perhaps you’ve heard of National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo), the free, annual challenge that takes place every November, where writers and would-be novelists strive to start, write and complete their 50,000-plus word novels in just 30 days.
In 2012, more than 340,000 people worldwide took up the challenge. Bolstered by online forums and local events, participants had fun along the way.
The Naperville region of NaNoWriMo, representing the cities and suburbs west of Chicago, has partnered with area libraries to offer four preparatory workshops.
Free workshops begin Sept. 28
The first one of these, “Hit the Ground Writing,” is led by author Todd Hogan. It will be 2-4PM Sat., Sept. 28 at the Warrenville Public Library, located at 28W751 Stafford Place.
Hogan will be discussing NaNoWriMo’s goal of 50,000 words in 30 days, why a writer might want to accept the challenge, some ways to hit the goal, and some of the hurdles that the writer might expect during those 30 days. Participants will explore ways to get ready for November, how to get oneself psyched and excited to begin writing, and how to maintain that enthusiasm through 30 days, organizers said.
NPL will host workshops on Oct. 5, Oct. 12 and Oct. 19
The other three workshops, all in October will be held either at the Nichols Library at Jefferson and Webster or at the 95th Street Library in Naperville.
“Characters are Story” by Katherine Lato will be 1-3PM Sat., Oct. 5, Nichols Library; “Writing Styles – Structure, Plot and Mechanics,” by Roger Lubeck, 1-3PM Sat., Oct. 12, 95th Street Library; and “Keeping Your Readers Engaged,” by Frank Dahlman is slated for 1-3PM Sat., Oct. 19, Nichols Library.
The Naperville region of NaNoWriMo is partnering with libraries in Naperville, Warrenville, Woodridge, Downers Grove, Lombard and Carol Stream to offer write-in events in November for people to use to work on their novels.
For more information, visit naperwrimo.org.