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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Free online test could be first step toward help for depression


Linden Oaks at Edward now offers a free, online screening that can determine if a person is at risk for depression. DepressionAware can be completed in five minutes from the comfort of home, any time, day or night. Filling out the questionnaire generates a report on your risk of depression and tips for good mental health.

HEART_MedicalTo take the DepressionAware test, visit www.edward.org/depressionaware. The test is part of the Edward HealthAware Center where there are also screenings for heart disease, stroke, breast cancer, lung disease and sleep disorders.

According to Maureen Kunz, MSN, manager of resource and referral at Linden Oaks, this process is unique in that DepressionAware goes beyond what’s done in other online depression screenings.

Specifically, the system triggers follow-up if a person’s score suggests a heightened risk of depression. If a person provides a phone number, they’ll receive a call within 24 hours from a Linden Oaks clinician who will off er a free mental health assessment.

If contact information is not submitted, the DepressionAware screening provides the number at Linden Oaks so a person can schedule a free assessment.

“We take every measure to protect confidentiality and to give you options when going through the screening and assessment,” said Dan Knapp, a social worker at Linden Oaks, noting that no information is shared without permission.

The free assessment at Linden Oaks includes an interview with a nurse about any physical health issues, and a meeting with a clinician for a mental health evaluation.

“Depression can accompany a diagnosis of serious illness, such as heart disease, cancer or diabetes,” said Sharia Vittorio, a Linden Oaks counselor. “Some people have trouble coping with the changes these conditions bring.”

Reports from these sessions are shared with a psychiatrist who determines the level of care needed.

“The final recommendation can be linking the patient to counseling and other resources in the community, or to hospital-based services, such as a partial hospitalization program or inpatient care,” added Knapp.

Vittoria said she hears from individuals who think they are depressed, but don’t know where to go.

The screening gives them somewhere to turn.

For more information, visit www.edward.org/lindenoaks. For immediate assistance and a free and confidential assessment, call the Linden Oaks 24/7 Help Line at (630) 305-5500.

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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.