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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Naper Settlement volunteers receive Presidential Service Awards


Naper Settlement announced that it has teamed with the White House to become a Certifying Organization for the President’s Volunteer Service Award, a national program recognizing Americans who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to volunteer service. Thirty-four Naper Settlement volunteers received a President’s Volunteer Service Award during the museum’s annual Volunteer Appreciation Event held April 13.

“We are extremely proud to recognize our most outstanding volunteers with the President’s Volunteer Service Award,” said Josh Chartier, Director of Organizational Resources, in the news release. “Naper Settlement volunteers are role models in our community, donating their time, energy and talent to bring us closer together as neighbors and as a nation. The award is our way of thanking these volunteers and inspiring everyone in our community to make volunteering a central part of their lives.”

Congratulations to Weed Ladies’ Cathi Schumacher

Cathi Schumacher was the recipient of the President’s Call to Service Award for contributing more than 4,000 hours over the course of her lifetime as a member of the Weed Ladies Floral Designers since 1997.

Gold, Silver & Bronze Levels, too

The Gold Level Award Recipient was Lydia Render, who contributed more than 500 hours, and has been a member of the Weed Ladies since 2006.

Silver Level Award recipients included Kathy Gleason, Nancy King, Alberta Kobialka, Lynn Rogala, Cathi Schumacher and Sharon Wisinski, all members of the Weed Ladies; Mike Krol, chairman of the Naperville Heritage Society Board of Directors; and Amy Ramsland, a Curatorial and Learning Experiences volunteer. Adult volunteers at the Silver Level contribute between 250-499 hours per year and Young Adult volunteers contribute between 175-249 hours per year.

Bronze Level Award recipients included Naperville Heritage Society board members Christopher Birck, Alex Harris, Steve Grosskopf and Sally Pentecost; members of the Weed Ladies Lana Depcik, Diana Kasper, Barbara Smart, Valerie Solon, Margaret Strohl and Francene Turnpaugh; building interpreters Chuck and Ruth Dow, Eve Hushek and Greg Merriam; curatorial volunteers Diane Cipriani, Barbara Hower, Mary Rohlman, Tiffany Tindell (also a History Connector), Chrissy Tworek and Betty Wampach; Learning Experiences volunteer Casey Carroll; quilters Judith Dabrowski and Chris McBride; and Buildings and Grounds volunteers Max Harbach and Eddie Pinc. Adult volunteers at the Bronze level contribute between 100 to 249 hours per year and young adult volunteers at the Bronze level contribute between 100 to 174 hours per year.

Established in 2003, the President’s Volunteer Service Award gives Presidential recognition to individuals, families and groups who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to volunteer service each year. The award shares this achievement as a way to inspire others to contribute to their communities through volunteer service and to make volunteer service a central part of their lives. Awards are issued in recognition for volunteer hours served over a calendar year and over the course of a lifetime.

Naper Settlement volunteers are pictured with honors


Thirty-four Naper Settlement volunteers were recognized with a Presidential Volunteer Service award during a Volunteer Appreciation Event held April 13. Front row, from left Judith Dabrowski, Max Harbach, Ruth Dow and Mike Krol. Second row, Chuck Dow. Third row, from left, Sally Pentecost, Casey Carroll, Mary Rohlman, Tiffany Tindell, Nancy King, Betty Wampach, Barb Hower, Diana Kasper, Lynn Rogala, Alberta Kobialka, Eve Hushek and Francene Turnpaugh. Back row, Eddie Pinc.

Recipients of the Presidential Service Awards not pictured are Christopher Birck, Diane Cipriani, Lana Depcik, Kathy Gleason, Steve Grosskopf, Alex Harris, Chris McBride, Greg Merriam, Amy Ramsland, Lydia Render Cathi Schumacher, Barbara Smart, Valerie Solon, Margaret Strohl, Chrissy Tworek and Sharon Wisinski.

Photo courtesy of Donna DeFalco

About Naper Settlement and the Naperville Heritage Society: Naper Settlement is a nationally accredited, award-winning outdoor museum set on 12 magnificent acres in the heart of Naperville. Our grounds are where history comes to play and community comes to connect. The Naperville Heritage Society is the administrator of Naper Settlement. With a commitment to the community and a focus to the future, the mission of the Naperville Heritage Society is to collect, document, preserve and support the history of Naperville, Illinois, past and present. For more information, visit napersettlement.com or call (630) 420-6010.

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PN Editor
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