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Legendary TV Journalist Lesley Stahl shares book, Becoming Grandma, on April 7


Above / Patrons are known to line up along Jefferson Avenue for author events and book signings at Anderson’s Bookshop in downtown Naperville.

Photo by Ken Pao

It’s one of the most mutually beneficial relationships in humankind: grandchild and grandmother. When renowned television broadcaster Lesley Stahl became a grandmother, she did what came naturally: immediately carved out as much grandbaby time as possible. But in her case, she also turned a seasoned journalist’s eye to the state of modern grandmotherhood.

 The result is Becoming Grandma, Stahl’s new book that will be the focus of an upcoming Anderson’s Bookshop event. How contemporary culture, improved health in later years, and technology have adjusted grandparenting are among the fascinating points Stahl will discuss before meeting fans at Anderson’s Bookshop, 123 W. Jefferson Ave. in the heart of Naperville at 7PM on Friday, April 7.

This special event is free and open to the public. To join the booksigning line, please purchase the author’s featured book at Anderson’s Bookshop. In coming weeks, an autographed copy of Becoming Grandma is just in time for Mother’s Day gift giving or pregnancy revealing!

Becoming Grandma

From one of the country’s most recognizable journalists, Lesley Stahl, comes a comprehensive study of how becoming a grandmother transforms a woman’s life.

After four decades as a reporter, Stahl’s most vivid and transformative experience of her life was not covering the White House, the Watergate scandal, interviewing heads of state, or researching stories at 60 Minutes. It was becoming a grandmother. She was hit with a jolt of joy so intense and unexpected, she wanted to “investigate” it—as though it were a news flash. And so, using her 60 Minutes skills, she explored how grandmothering changes a woman’s life, interviewing friends like Whoopi Goldberg, colleagues like Diane Sawyer (and grandfathers, including Tom Brokaw), as well as the proverbial woman next door.

Along with these personal accounts, Stahl speaks with scientists and doctors about physiological changes that occur in women when they have grandchildren; anthropologists about why there are grandmothers, in evolutionary terms; and psychiatrists about the therapeutic effects of grandchildren on both grandmothers and grandfathers.

Throughout Becoming Grandma, Stahl shares stories about her own life with granddaughters Jordan and Chloe, about how her relationship with her daughter, Taylor, has changed, and about how being a grandfather has affected her husband, Aaron.

In an era when baby boomers are becoming grandparents in droves and when young parents need all the help they can get raising their children, Stahl’s book is a timely and affecting read that redefines a cherished relationship.

Brief Bio

Lesley Stahl is one of America’s most recognized and experienced broadcast journalists.  Her career has been marked by political scoops, surprising features and award-winning foreign reporting. She has been a 60 Minutes correspondent since 1991; the 2015-2016 season marks her 25th on the broadcast. Before joining 60 Minutes, Stahl served as CBS News White House correspondent during the Carter, Reagan, and part of the George H.W. Bush presidencies. She also hosted Face the Nation from 1983 to 1991 and co-anchored America Tonight from 1989 to 1990. She is married to author and screenwriter Aaron Latham. They have one daughter and two granddaughters.

Story and photo by Ken Pao submitted by Candy Purdom for Anderson’s Bookshop.

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