74.8 F
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Joe Rosenbloom

Joe Rosenbloom is a 29-year-old young man with autism spectrum disorder, who is passionate about outreach and social justice.

Journey with Autism – Build better days with gratitude

When the world slows down as it has in these times, we value what happens even more than before. Almost everyone on Earth has...

Journey with Autism – Consider the Essentials of Well-being

What shall we answer when asked the question of what is most important for our well-being? Highly essential things like food, shelter, big walls of...

Journey with Autism – Dealing with change

If this is a time in history slowly unfolding each month, we have our own place in the story of the COVID-19. Old measures...

Journey with Autism – Listen and open our minds

I’m living in a more boldly blessed home and community then most people can imagine. Having autism makes me different from most other people....

Journey with Autism – Contact with friends lifts the soul

Pretty soon we are going to start the need to approach our world with caution and more contact with people. Almost since we sheltered...

Journey with Autism – Spring illustrates hope

In our lifetime, longer than I’ve been alive, more than anyone might have imagined, humans have been made to bow to a tiny virus. Life as...

Journey with Autism – Small pleasures are turning into great joys

I’m filled with many thoughts recently discovered in this time of COVID-19. My slow discovery of the more then monumental outbreak of a life threatening...

Journey with Autism – Changing season highlights sunshine and sunny disposition

Today the world was lit up by the sunshine and people boldly strolled down the street in direct contact with the sun on their faces....

Journey with Autism – A lesson in the give and take of love

I am healing myself by going to celebrate the day we link ourselves to the notion of love. Valentine’s Day is part of a legend...

Journey with Autism – Marking time

The likelihood to do something lively to celebrate New Year’s was going to happen. Places to go and parties for dear friends make marking...

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