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Friday, February 7, 2025

Pinwheels spin to heighten awareness during Child Abuse Prevention Month


Above / Glistening in the sunshine, pinwheels are planted where the banner hangs to promote Child Abuse Prevention Month near Safety Town. (Photo by Ashley Penick)

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month.

To bring attention to this cause, a “Pinwheel Garden” has been planted at Safety Town, located on the corner of River Road and Aurora Avenue. 

The Exchange Club of Naperville, Prevent Child Abuse Illinois, the Naperville Jr. Woman’s Club Juniorettes and Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) again have joined together to heighten awareness through the end of April. 

Pinwheels are the symbol of a happy, healthy and safe childhood as well as a reminder that we all play a role in children’s lives. The pinwheel has been used by Prevent Child Abuse America since 2008 to draw attention to the issue of child abuse and the solution of effective prevention. 

“In 2023, the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) received 231,527 hotline calls, over 14,883 more calls than in 2022,” noted Dawn Porter on behalf of Exchange Club.

Evidence shows that children’s early experiences impact them throughout life—positively and negatively. Kids raised in stable and nurturing relationships as well as safe environments are more likely to enjoy good physical and mental health. Studies show these children succeed academically and socially. Children who grow up happy and healthy also go on to contribute to economic prosperity for everyone.

The month-long campaign aims to help prevent child abuse and neglect every day.

“We all have an effect on the lives of children,” added Portner. “Pinwheels are a reminder that we all play a role in children’s lives.”

Pinwheels are planted at the entrance to Safety Town of Naperville. (PN Photo)

Partners raise awareness together

The Exchange Club of Naperville: Exchange, America’s premier service club, is working to make our communities better places to live.  The Exchange Club of Naperville was chartered in 1987 and is dedicated to the elimination of child abuse and domestic violence, through Community Service, Americanism and Youth programs.

Prevent Child Abuse Illinois:  The mission of Prevent Child Abuse Illinois is to prevent child abuse by providing statewide leadership through education, support for community initiatives, and advocacy.

Naperville Jr. Woman’s Club: Since its inception in 1967, the Naperville Junior Woman’s Club has provided tens of thousands of hours of volunteer support to hundreds of organizations. From their fundraising efforts, they have donated an estimated one million dollars to local, state and national organizations in need. The Juniorettes are teen volunteers sponsored by the Naperville Jr. Woman’s Club.

Today the Naperville Junior Woman’s Club is more committed than ever in improving the quality of life in our community through its members sharing and giving of themselves.

Bikers Against Child Abuse: Bikers Against Child Abuse exists with the intent to create a safer environment for abused children. They exist as a body of Bikers to empower children to not feel afraid of the world in which they live. They work in conjunction with local and state officials who are already in place to protect children. They desire to send a clear message to all involved with the abused child that this child is part of their organization, and that they are prepared to lend their physical and emotional support to them by affiliation, and their physical presence. They do not condone the use of violence or physical force in any manner, however, if circumstances arise such that they are the only obstacle preventing a child from further abuse, they stand ready to be that obstacle.

Story submitted by Dawn Porter / PN Photos

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