At Monday night’s board of education meeting (Dec. 20, 2021), District 204 administrators presented their recommendation for boundary adjustments.
Administration recommended the district adopt the boundary map shown by RSP during the workshop presentation that was held prior to the board of education meeting. The recommended boundary proposal reflects a commitment to many of the items the boundary committee members voted on during the last committee meeting. The proposal supports the district’s need to have similar sized high schools as well as the board of education principles and criteria.
Implementation of the boundary plan will take effect at the start of the 2022-2023 school year for all students. The recommendation includes grandfathering for several students and decreases the overall number of students impacted. At the elementary level, rising fifth graders will be allowed to stay at their current school. Middle school students who are rising seventh and eighth graders will also be allowed to grandfather. At the high school level, rising tenth, eleventh and twelfth graders will be allowed to grandfather. Parents and guardians will be asked to make decisions regarding grandfathering relatively soon after the board of education’s vote on January 10, 2022. District administrators are in the process of determining how transportation will factor into the grandfathering decision and hopes to present their findings to the board prior to their vote. The boundary adjustment also has an impact on the course selection process at the middle and high school levels.
The number of students impacted, before grandfathering, is significantly lower than the numbers shared at the December 8 boundary committee meeting. The student impact by level is as follows:
● Elementary School: 1,498
● Middle School: 1,321
● High School: 356
The administration’s recommendation follows many of the board of education principles, incorporates what the boundary committee felt was important, and addresses the needs of the district over time. The plan presented supports a desire to make our high schools similar in size which will allow the district to repurpose the Birkett Center for STEPS and possibly Wheatland Academy and also reduces the number of students impacted.
The board of education and District 204 would like to thank the Boundary Committee members for their work throughout the boundary process and their suggestions to find a workable solution. The board and district would also like to thank the community for their passionate involvement in the process by attending the boundary committee meetings, the boundary forums, participating in public comment, and sharing their opinions.
To see how the recommended boundary proposal impacts your household, visit the boundary map address locator tool.
For more information on the boundary process, visit 2021-22 Boundary Process.
Public Comments
Click here to read public comments by residents submitted from Dec. 9 through Dec. 20, 2021.
This link leads to opportunities to submit a public comment.
Next Board of Education Meeting is Jan. 10, 2022
The next regular Board of Education meeting is at 7PM on Mon., Jan. 10, 2022, at the Crouse Education Center, 780 Shoreline Drive, Aurora. Meeting agendas and documents will be available online prior to the meeting. Indian Prairie School District 204 Board of Education meetings will require masks to be worn at all times by those attending the meeting. Video of the regular meeting can be streamed live or viewed the following day at the District’s YouTube channel.