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Monday, October 7, 2024

Little Friends: The workplace shortage


All of us today driving on today’s streets can’t help but see the “Help Wanted” signs in respective businesses. I feel for those in the hospitality industry who are unable to be open during their “normal” hours because they can’t find people willing to work in their businesses.

Based upon what I am reading, it’s not a local problem, but a national one that I hope will improve. As of late September, there were almost 11 million open positions in the United State for all businesses on a national basis.

The services we and other organizations like us provide are just as affected as these businesses, with the exception that we don’t have the luxury of shutting down what we do for the children, adults, and families who rely upon our support.

Like the hospitality industry, we have a greater than normal number of open positions to fill that involve working with either children or adults. While I marvel at the work efforts of our team as they figure out creative ways to deal with this and care for others, it is a challenge to say the least.

For anyone who might be interested or has a passion to be working in our field, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We would welcome your help, and I am sure any other organization dedicated to helping others would be welcoming as well.

Unrelated to the comments above, I am pleased to share that two of our Inklude artists, Charles Smith and Troy Biegun, had their artwork featured on the cover of the printed program for the Gold Star Families Memorial Monument ceremonial groundbreaking held on Sun., Sept. 26, in Veterans Park. Three members of the Gold Star Families Memorial Monument Committee judged 15 works of art in early September and chose one for the front cover and another one for the back cover.

I hope you enjoy the pictures, as we are proud of the work they did for this wonderful cause.

TROY BIEGUN is pictured with his parents and his art during the ceremonial groundbreaking in Veterans Park.
CHARLES SMITH titled his work as “A tribute to” Gold Star Families.

Update, Oct. 8, 2021 / Lew Breese, the inspiration behind the Gold Star Families Memorial Monument as well as for contacting Little Friends Inklude Studio to help design the printed program for the groundbreaking ceremony, emailed that the original paintings by Charles Smith and Troy Biegun are now on display in the front lobby at the Naperville Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle Street. Both artists received an honorarium prize for their work, sponsored by Petite Picassos.

Original paintings by prize-winning artists at Little Friends Inklude Studio were selected for the cover of the program for the Naperville Gold Star Families Memorial Monument Ground Breaking Ceremony. The ceremony was Sept. 26, 2021, at Veterans Park.

For more information about Little Friends Inklude Studio and other programs, visit www.littlefriendsinc.org/inklude-studio-1.

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Mike Briggs
Mike Briggshttp://littlefriendsinc.org
Mike Briggs is the President and CEO of Little Friends. Little Friends empowers clients with autism and other developmental disabilities to thrive in our community. Their groundbreaking programs and nationally-renowned staff provide lifelong opportunities for growth, so their clients can work, learn, play and experience the joy of life’s everyday moments.