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2017 Memorial Day festivities


Memorial Day is set aside every year to honor military men, women and families that gave the ultimate sacrifice for our nation’s freedoms. In the United States, Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday in May.

In Naperville, the city’s tradition has been to host an annual Memorial Day Parade.

Organized by a parade committee comprised of members of the Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873, American Legion Post 43, the Naperville Municipal Band, Naperville Police and Fire Departments and other citizen volunteers, the Naperville tradition attracts tens of thousands to downtown Naperville to pay tribute to fallen heroes and their families. This year, Terry Jelinek is serving as chairman.

Parade steps off at 10:30AM Mon., May 29.

According to an update by Jelinek, the 2017 Parade Marshal will be Frank Haynes and Officer of the Day will be Lou Wegerer (WWII Navy).

“We will also have the Great Lakes 50-flag unit coming down,” added Jelinek.

For 2017, the parade will step off at 10:30AM on Mon., May 29. And it’s customary to hear applause and witness salutes from spectators who line the streets as they recognize supreme sacrifice and that freedom isn’t free. Crowds also show rousing respect to units of veterans with flags and to marching bands with many musicians, young and old, performing patriotic songs to remind us that peaceful assembly is cherished in our world.

Observance with music in Central Park at 12:15PM

Immediately following the conclusion of the colorful red, white and blue parade, a 30-minute observance with patriotic messages from guest speakers, ceremonial wreath laying at war memorials and musical tributes performed by the Naperville Municipal Band again will be held in Central Park at the Community Concert Center.

Schedule of Veterans’ Tributes

Other observances with ceremonial red poppy wreath laying are included on Memorial Day. Prior to the parade, veterans decorate local cemeteries and veterans’ monuments. During the parade they pause at Veterans Plaza along the Riverwalk and after the parade they recognize fallen soldiers in Central Park.

Memorial Day Schedule May 29

Note: Morning flag raising services will begin 15 minutes earlier this year.

7:45 – Flag raising and service at 9/11-Cmdr. Dan Shanower Memorial – (taps & volley)

8:15 – Service at Veterans Park (Gartner Rd.) – (taps & volley)

8:35 – Service at Burlington Square Park Doughboy Monument – (taps & volley)

9:00 – Service at Ss. Peter & Paul Cemetery (taps & volley)

9:45 – Service at GAR Monument in Naperville Cemetery – (taps & volley)

Memorial Day Parade Begins at 10:30AM

10:30 – Advance section of parade steps off from Jackson and Ewing. Spectators are asked to line the street east of Ewing in order to enjoy all the band in the parade.

10:40 – Service at Veterans Plaza, corner of Webster & Jackson. Then the Main Parade steps off from Jackson & West St., East to Washington, North to Benton, East to Court Place (Veterans & Military Units), East to St. Peter & Paul parking lot.

Memorial Day Observance in Central Park at 12:15PM

12:15 – A 30-minute program at the Community Concert Center includes selections by Naperville Municipal Band with an invocation and other speeches.

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PN Ombudsman
PN Ombudsman
An ombudsman is Scandinavian in origin dating back to Viking times; and refers to a community representative; usually acting independently on behalf of an organization, body of elected officials, or civic group. Thanks Scandinavia for inventing ombudsman.