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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Local comedian breaks world record for largest ‘Cardboard Box Castle’


Carrie Kupisch, seated, Blake Grigsby’s grandmother visiting from Flint, Michigan, welcomed volunteers to sign up.

Original Post

A new world record was set in Naperville Thursday for the largest “Cardboard Box Castle,” as local comedian Blake Grigsby and a brigade of volunteers stacked more than 3,200 cardboard boxes, in masonry formation, in the gym at Neuqua Valley High School.  All proceeds and donations from the event benefited the American Cancer Society.

Blue skies shined as construction began in the parking lot in the late morning, but uncooperative winds hindered construction as boxes advanced to higher rows. The live feed on Youtube was regrettably cut off just after an hour as construction was relocated indoors.  Volunteers and observers were guided to the construction site with impromptu signs marked on cardboard boxes.

The effort beat the previous world record of 2,354 boxes, according to recordsetter.com. It had to be larger than 115 ft. x 75 ft. x 7 ft (L x W x H). Observation suggested Grigsby’s creation definitely surpassed this measure, sprawling a pair of basketball courts and ceiling-raised-hoops. Official records still are being tallied. Stay tuned for official counts.

Castle cardboard box building is always in good fun and humorous spirits. “I want someone to beat me and I encourage it, to raise the bar. I won’t have any hard feelings,” said Grigsby, grateful to everyone who came to help.

Blake Grigsby reads PN
Blake Grigsby reads PN!

Grigsby will be entering his sophomore year at Chicago’s DePaul University in the fall where he is studying digital videography. He also plans to audition for the world-renowned Second City, while continuing his comedic efforts in Naperville with his now Youtube famous Riverwalk inspired videos. “I’m Following You (Extreme Follow the Leader)” is highly entertaining.

Grigsby is currently brainstorming his next world-record attempt, but has little idea what that challenge might be.

“I’d love to attempt a different world record,” Grigsby said, adding that he’d build another castle under one condition only, “It has to be two stories.”

The venture was financed with a grant from the Chicago Awesome Foundation, which  awards a series of  monthly $1,000 grants to projects and their creators, according to their website. The Naperville Chamber of Commerce also assisted with promotion and the majority of boxes were donated from International Paper. Local businesses also partook. Other local organizations have been instrumental in the project implementation.

Boxes were adhered to one another with tape and the aid of gravity. “Packing tape was the only expenditure.” Grigsby said. “About 24,000 feet of it.”

Dinner and a show

More than 150 fans filled the audience to watch Blake Grigsby and other talent perform improv with audience participation.

The Castle was officially open for business at a ribbon cutting ceremony with Mayor A. George Pradel in the late afternoon. Open for dinner, box-building volunteers and onlookers enjoyed a pasta dinner from Belgio’s catering in the kindly-confines of the cardboard fortress.

At 7:30PM, a family-friendly improve comedy show began. It featured a spontaneous sketch where cardboard box-building became a family tradition. A pair of young audience participants moved the arms of the improve comedians joking about the fun things of box-building. They hinted at the minutiae of building a two-story castle.


After the show, enthusiastic volunteers and kids dismantled the castle, knocking over the masonry stacked boxes. All the boxes are being recycled by local businesses and volunteers. Dozens and dozens of folks who had attended the improv show walked out with boxes in both hands.  Grigsby also thanked everyone and signed a few autographs, on boxes, of course.

For a sampling of Grigsby’s latest comedy, visit www.youtube.com/BlakeGrigsby2. He also can be found on twitter @blakegrigsby.


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