Dog Days in the past have been described as lingering oppressive days of heat and humidity—sultry, sweltering and sticky come to mind.
Whether the hottest muggiest period of summer ends up in August remains to be seen as the last week in July was among the coolest of late.
What is known for certain is that since ancient times, observers in countries bordering the Mediterranean have recognized Dog Days as extending from 20 days before to 20 days after the conjunction of Sirius and the Sun. Back then, Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, located in Canis Major (The Great Dog) was thought to provide heat to the Earth.
That means, Dog Days will end by Aug. 11.
Meanwhile, hot or not, reports of poison ivy and seasonal pests such as bees, lime ticks and West Nile Virus-carrying mosquitoes can be unwanted annoyances that need attention. A visit to the PN website provides opportunities to find notices from local health agencies that can help you prevent the unwanted aggravation.
Cheers to dog-friendly patios

If 2013 Dog Days remain cool this August, residents will find more opportunities to enjoy dog-friendly patios throughout Naperville. Quigley’s Irish Pub, Catch 35, Ted’s Montana Grill, Peanuts and Kumas Asian Bistro in downtown Naperville have attentive servers who keep water bowls filled for well-behaved pups on short leashes. Meson Sabika does, too. And when CityGate Centre is your destination, also find dog-friendly patios at SugarToad and Lavazza.
Looking forward to Last Fling, a special “Hot Dog” named Frank is its mascot. Frank still welcomes sponsors and a sunny Labor Day weekend. Check out the promotion on Page 3, reminding residents that the four-day family-friendly fun event begins Aug. 30.
Jumping to October, McGruff the Crime Dog wants to hound folks to help prevent crime and to “Run with McGruff” on Oct. 26 during the 2nd annual Crime Stoppers Running Scared 5K. Registration is now in progress at
At a time that is sometimes referred to as a rough dog-eat-dog world, PN springs at the chance every month to showcase a community with a big heart. And August is an opportunity present a few canine experiences again this year, mindful of the joy that comes every season when a dog is among the stars in life.