The Center Stage Players are returning to the Saturday morning shows to present “The Little Mermaid, a musical, at 12PM noon on July 7, July 14, July 21 and July 28 at Center Stage Theater.
Come see the magic as actors at Center Stage bring this Disney classic to life with roller blading Ariel, Ursula, “Merpeople” and fish.
Join the cast as they sing and dance to the famous songs from the Academy Award-winning score by Alan Menken including: “Part of Your World,” “Under the Sea,” and “Kiss the Girl.”
All performances will be held at Center Stage Theater, located at 1665 Quincy Avenue, #131, just west of Ogden Ave.
All tickets are $8; $6 for groups of 20 or more. To make ticket reservations, call (630) 355-9212 or e-mail