54.8 F
Thursday, May 9, 2024

Michael Albrow

Michael Albrow is a scientist emeritus at Fermilab, Batavia and a member of Naperville Sunrise Rotary. Born in England, Mike lived in Switzerland and Sweden before settling in the U.S. 25 years ago.

Science Corner – The biggest ice cube in the world

January’s column was about snowflakes. This one is about an ice cube, a huge one called – wait for it – IceCube. Each side...

Science Corner – Stardust in the snow

As I write this story in mid-December there is no snow here – probably a trend – but people around me are singing “Let...

Science Corner – The sparkles on the roof

One night in 1939 Professor Pierre Auger’s daughter asked him, “Papa, what are you doing?” In French, of course. “I’m studying the sparkles on the...

Science Corner – Hydrogen, helium, lithium – energy!

Lithium is in the news. The 2019 Nobel Prize for chemistry has been awarded to three scientists for transforming our lives and helping to...

Science Corner – Nothing does not exist

That title is another way of saying: “There’s no such thing as an empty box.” Let’s try to make one with a “thought experiment.”...

Science Corner – Welcome to the dark side

There’s something strange out in space. Scientists know it’s there, but not what it is. We know about visible stars and planets, gas and...

Science Corner – The miracle of carbon

Carbon is necessary for all life. If the element carbon did not exist, scientists believe the universe would be sterile, no life anywhere. Among...

Science Corner – One small STEM for a man, 50 years ago

“Thousands upon thousands of years ago, at the dawn of human history, Stone Age men gazed at the Moon and wondered just what it...

Science Corner – Know your elements? 150-year anniversary of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table

Once upon a time long ago, philosophers thought that the material world, including themselves, was made of just four simple elements. For the Greeks...

Science Corner – Can you see a black hole?

One hundred years ago this month, the astronomer Arthur Eddington and a colleague went to an island off the coast of Africa to photograph...

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