52.5 F
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Journey with Autism – My friend Michael


When told you should bless the day you met a person truly concerned for your bold best interests, feel free to take that advice. 

Finding people you can hold onto like your life depends on it is a very highly rare, lifelong search. Following my dad’s life ending the morning following Memorial day last year, and looking at my future, I slept many more hours than normal, mainly hiding myself in fear.

Bob was my best, most golden buddy, friend and father, like no one really could imagine. Closer than most men ever get, he and I voiced our love and had the best of times. I never hid my bad or annoying side from him.

Joe and his friend Michael. (Photo courtesy S. Rosenbloom.)

But now I call my best guy friend, Michael. Born in Ohio, Michael was a teacher, who found great, high success working with people with autism. He came here because his dream found that he needed a better place to show off his great, mainly brilliant comedy skills. Each day Michael helps me find the difficult skills I will need to leave my home and live in a house designed like home, for men with disabilities. Every night and many weekends

Michael goes out and hones his voice as a standup comedian. He started and produces a very highly respected show each week in Chicago.

Michael felt his greater gift was in the limelight than in the classroom where he taught individuals on the autism spectrum. While Michael may be a great stand up, I know he deserves credit for my bringing myself into the higher level needed to live in a new place with men hoping to have a better, more special life. My friend Michael is kind, like someone holding my life in lockstep with his dares to be.

Following my dream and his following his makes us bonded in our hopes and fears. I’m not able to tell him how much his love and support have made me the better man I’m trying to be. While some day he may be a big man in his field, joining my team four years ago and filling my days with his funny fleeting humor and big heart moved my darkness out of the way.

Someday I hope the world prizes such a dear profession as working with people with disabilities and lifts him onto a platform of honor he so deserves. Until then, we will always prize Michael’s dry, smart, funny wit that makes us laugh each day.

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Joe Rosenbloom
Joe Rosenbloom
Joe Rosenbloom is a 29-year-old young man with autism spectrum disorder, who is passionate about outreach and social justice.


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