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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Naperville Lions Club seeks donations of prescription masks to benefit Diveheart scuba therapy


Above / Naperville Noon Lions Club now is collecting “prescription” masks, all sizes, in addition to eye glasses. Donations can be dropped off at more than 30 locations throughout Naperville, including Kroehler YMCA, Loaves & Fishes Community Services, Grace United Methodist Church and the Naperville Township Building. (Photo courtesy Diveheart)

The Naperville Noon Lions Club and Diveheart— a nonprofit organization in Downers Grove that helps children, veterans and other individuals with disabilities by introducing them to scuba therapy— have teamed up to help individuals with visual impairments see better underwater.

The Lions and Diveheart seek donations of prescription dive masks to help Diveheart repurpose them for adaptive programs for divers who have visual impairments and who might benefit from the prescription in masks.

Prescription masks can make a difference for visually-impaired scuba divers. (Photo courtesy Diveheart)

“Diveheart has successfully paired up adaptive divers and prescription masks in the past and it’s been amazing,” said Jim Elliott, Founder and President of Divehart. “With the help of the Naperville Noon Lions, you can now donate your prescription mask where you drop off your unused eye glasses. The Lions will collect the masks and get them to Diveheart who will then get them to a visually impaired diver who can use the mask.”

For more information about the Naperville Noon Lions, visit napervillenoonlions.org.

For more information about Diveheart, visit www.Diveheart.org.

Elliott welcomes other scuba gear donations and is most appreciative of all support. For more information, contact Elliott at (630) 964-1983 or info@diveheart.org. 

Donated masks can be dropped off at more than 30 collection locations throughout Naperville, including Kroehler YMCA, Loaves & Fishes Community Services, Grace United Methodist Church and the Naperville Township Building.

Story and photos  for Diveheart submitted by Marie Lazzara, Public Relations Manager, JJR Marketing Inc.

Naperville Noon Lions

The Mission of Naperville Noon Lions is simply expressed in the club’s Motto “We Serve.” The club is comprised of local men and women, who wish to make a difference in the community and around the world. 

Over the past year, the Naperville Noon Lions Club has granted more than $190,000 to local organizations, including many thousands of dollars directed to individuals through the Naperville Noon Lions Social Services Committee for needed eye/ear exams, glasses, hearing aids and other needed services and equipment.  Diabetes strips also are donated to School Districts 203 and 204 for students’ use at school.

Individuals who know someone who cannot afford the vision or hearing care they need are asked to call the Naperville Noon Lions Social Services Chair at (630) 355-9793.

On May 1, 2019, the Noon Lions Club opened registration to its biggest annual fundraising initiative, the 22nd Annual Turkey Trot 5K, held on Thanksgiving Day.

Naperville Noon Lions Club meets at 12:15PM every Tuesday at Braconi’s Restaurant, located at Ogden and Royal St. George. Members of Noon Lions invite individuals interested to learn more about the service club to attend one of their regular meetings.  For more information, email info@napervillenoonlions.org .


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