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Friday, May 17, 2024

NAHC hosts annual meeting on May 17


NAHC Camera Ready LogoNormally, by this time of the year, I would have pulled the lawn mower out of winter storage and begun my weekly task yard of keeping the grass at an acceptable height. Depending on my mood, the condition of the lawn, and obstacles encountered along the way (such as the number of pulls required to start the mower,) this endeavor can range from a time consuming chore to an opportunity for exercise and enjoying my property.

With the late start to spring, the mower remains in the garage. I have felt safe enough, though, to move it in front of the snow blower.

With the change of the seasons I am looking forward to the emergence of my plants and flowers. In the aftermath of the Polar Vortex, ground temperatures remain cooler than normal and things that would normally be in full bloom are just beginning to green up. Still, as I write this, my lilac bushes are beginning to show signs of life, tulips and daffodils are showing their faces, and each day brings a new discovery as yet another plant that made it through the winter pokes up through the mulch.

Change is also coming to the Homeowners Confederation. At our Annual Meeting beginning at 8:30AM on Sat., May 17, in Municipal Center meeting rooms B&C (coffee and networking at 8AM sponsored by Keough & Moody, P.C.), we will elect a new secretary, treasurer, and two at-large directors. While we are hoping to move a few folks into new jobs, two board mainstays, Tom Harris and Boyd Briscoe, will be leaving their leadership roles within the Confederation. Both will be sincerely missed as their contributions and counsel have been valuable and appreciated.

If you would like to become involved in the NAHC, please let me know. There is always room for more neighbors helping neighbors.

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Bob Fischer
Bob Fischerhttp://www.napervillehomeowners.com/
Bob Fischer is current President of the Naperville Area Homeowners Confederation.


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