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Greetings to PN / September 2013 / Volume 13 #1


Most recent greeting is posted at top. Occasionally, Greetings to PN also are linked to online stories. Many of these greetings, edited for space, will appear in the next issue of PN. Thanks for keeping greetings brief. 

To PN Editor regarding Google Alert “Community Christian Church“: Thanks for including my new job announcement in your PN news!

—Heather Wachter, Communications Director, Community Christian Church

To PN Editor:  I’ve been thinking of sending this to the Naperville Sun and Daily Herald— When I was in college my history professor made the following statement: “The United States will never fall to a foreign power militarily; It will fall from within because of Greed, Morality and voter ignorance and apathy.”  Ladies and Gentlemen, we are about there!

—Ron Keller

To PN Editor:  I loved your article (Highlights of the Riverwalk Fine Art Fair) — and what a great perspective! So many art fair goers see only the beautiful art and never think about what actually goes into putting on the show. My favorite time is the Friday set up — going from a blank canvas to an amazing art community within a matter of hours. Sunday is kind of the same way — the street that held so much live is now serene. … Thank you for promoting the fair — and thank you for all the wonderful work you do for Naperville and its residents!

—Debbie Venezia, Executive Director, NAL Naperville Fine Art Center and Gallery

September 11 RemembranceI attended Carroll College with Dan and will remember him today, as I do every September 11th. I’d just like Dan’s family to know that there are many of us who remember. He was an incredibly funny person and a great friend. I am grateful for his sacrifice.

—Kit Van Stelle, Madison, WI

To Kids Korner / Columnist Jack Morrissey: I’m getting hungry for that omelette (at Colonial in Naperville Plaza). Nice job!!

—Linda Brown

To PN Editor: I wanted to thank you for your recent article featuring dog-friendly dining establishments. As a dog parent and downtown resident, we have often taken advantage of having our Sookie with us when shopping and doing errands, but we never considered dining out with her accompanying us. After reading your article we decided to “test” our ability to be good dog parents and properly behaved patrons. Sookie joined us out on the patio at Catch 35 on a recent cool Sunday evening. Not only was our food delicious, but the service was wonderful. Sookie was even served her own ceramic dog dish of ice water while we dined. She was a very good girl, laying at our feet and we truly enjoyed the night out with our little dogter. We are looking forward to checking out other patios as well. Thank you so very much for providing useful information.

—Michele Zajac

To PN Editor:  The Naperville Noon Lions Club wishes to acknowledge Bill Anderson at Oswald’s Pharmacy for providing Diabetic Test Strips at cost for School Districts 203 and 204. A big thank you from the Naperville Noon Lions Club for your community spirit and involvement.

—Ken Strugalla, Publicity Chair, Naperville Noon Lions Club

To PN Editor: Congratulations on your 12th year. Gosh, it only seems like yesterday when I was sitting at the Labor Day parade and someone came around passing out a newspaper. As I recall, it was a skinny 4 pages. (Fact: 8 pages)  I leafed through it and thought—this will never fly! What kind of a paper is this? And the name! It should have been Positively DuPage – not only Naperville. If they wanted this paper to be successful, it needed to have a broader scope. And guess what, Stephanie, you have proved me totally wrong. And I couldn’t be happier.

Through the years, you and I have laughed many times about my early thoughts on the success of PN. We both grew up in neighboring towns in Indiana. We are both what I call “Hoosier Hillbillys.” … Here’s to another successful 12 years! And thanks for proving me wrong!

—Bev Patterson Frier

To PN Editor:  … Thank you for all the mentions for the Bed Races and Nuns on the Run. I love your website. It’s so easy to navigate and filled with our local information. I don’t know how you do it, girl, but thank you.

—Madelene M. Bernar, Director of Development, St. Patrick’s Residence Nursing and Rehabilitation



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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.