23.4 F
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Mo & Mike on the Move – Decisions, Decisions, Decisions


Our decision is made!

KrolsWe are staying in Naperville for the next couple of years.

A couple of things came into play to influence our decision. When the rains came on April 17, we started to get water coming through one of our window wells in the basement. Of course, it was the night before we were scheduled to close on selling our home. Thank God for family and friends. We have to thank Dan Casey, Ray Kinney, Andy Scholz and Mike McNulty because when they heard that we were taking some water in the basement, they all came out to help. Because of them, the damage was minimal compared to others.

That’s one of the benefits of living here – family and friends are close and everyone always wants to help. And they did. Of course, a good bottle of wine and some ice cold beer encouraged them all to stay and help!

Unfortunately or fortunately, all our items were on a moving truck the night the rains came in – the potential buyers were a little (or right, a lot!) uncomfortable after seeing all the houses pumping out water in the area. They asked for a week before they would close the sale. So we kept everything on a moving truck and lived in a hotel until the buyers made their final decision. Their final decision was not to buy our home.

So we are in the process of moving back. But the good thing is that Mike was asked to become the interim President and CEO of Naperville Settlement. I guess it was karma for us to stay.

Arizona is still on the horizon. For some reason, Dan and Shannon really, really want us to move out there – we guess that they think we are fun to be with. It’s actually a great compliment.

I don’t about you, but since time seems to fly by, that decision will be here very, very soon.

Margarita anyone?

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Maureen and Mike Krol
Maureen and Mike Krol
Maureen and Mike Krol can be contacted at mmkrol@sbcglobal.net.