14.3 F
Thursday, February 13, 2025

Knoch Knolls Park always evokes lasting memories, now an event to remember


When the sun peeked out from behind the clouds just after disc-golfDSC_4995noon today, we headed down to Knoch Knolls Park, mindful that typically in early April the wooded landscape along the DuPage River becomes blanketed with bluebells.

For years, vivid memories of the beautiful bluebells in this tranquil setting have carried us from one season to the next in Knoch Knolls. Even though the arrival of springtime is late in Naperville, we wanted to check, making sure we didn’t miss them.

As we traipsed along the dirt paths, bicyclists rode in large numbers along the paved paths and when we crossed the bridge over the DuPage River, we observed a joyful group of men playing Frisbee golf in the distance.

Frisbee golf is an internationally-played flying disc game in which individual players throw a flying disc toward a wire basket on a set course. In the spirit of the game of golf where a low score is better, the object of the game is to follow a course from start to finish in the fewest number of throws of the disc.


Signs of controlled burns and a ground covered with brown fallen leaves from earlier seasons were in plain view, but no bluebells had appeared just yet.

Still we were delighted to discover an occasional clump of tiny bright yellow daffodils and a couple of crocuses popping through the brush.


We noted other photographers also were looking for signs of spring as we ventured toward our car in the Knoch Knolls parking lot.

When we got back into the car to head back to the office about 2PM, the top-of-the-hour news report on the radio mentioned an explosion at the end of the Boston Marathon, an international event packed with thousands near the finish line.  Not quite tuned into the message, our immediate image was that of a huge group of spirited runners and fans, cheering and bursting with explosive enthusiasm as the last participants ran over the finish line at the four-hour mark of the race.


Listening more closely, we realized we had heard about unthinkable terror on Patriot’s Day near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, an event steeped in tradition with a history that dates back to 1897. As the news unfolded, we were stunned to learn that the first explosion had been followed by a second, leaving at least three individuals dead and more than 100 injured. And other unexploded devices had been picked up along the 26+-mile marathon route.

From all reports so far, Naperville runners who participated in the Boston Marathon are OK.

Our hearts go out to everyone in Boston, the victims and their families.  We also express gratitude to first responders and emergency management volunteers, prepared to protect the public during uncertain times when tragedy strikes and our precious freedom is threatened.  May justice be served quickly. Peace.

We know the bluebells soon will welcome visitors to the woodlands of Knoch Knolls Park. For the love of nature, we”ll return to check on our favorite wildflower, a timeless example of the ages that reappears every year.

—Stephanie Penick, PN Editor/Publisher, Updated 9PM April 15

RELATED POST: April 2012


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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.