29.5 F
Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Real News – Feedback results in focus on new job


Just over a year ago, I wrote my first PN real estate column. I’ve received a great deal of feedback, surprised at times that the topics and content would resonate with that many people. But the overwhelming feedback I’ve received has been a question, “So what exactly do you do for a living and what is with your new job?”

decruiff_webBeing exceptionally busy due in part to my new job, my quick response has been, “I help people with multifamily real estate and all is very well!”

The longer answer is… I recently joined Great Lakes Capital Fund, headquartered in Lansing, Michigan, and Spartan Green (our firm’s signature color) does nothing to accentuate my best physical features.

Great Lakes Capital Fund (Cap-Fund, as we call it) is a nonprofit, supporting community development throughout the Midwest; offering products, services, and advocacy to municipalities, builders, developers, and investors engaged in philanthropically and/or socially minded multifamily, and community development/enhancement real estate.

And those who know me understand my deep appreciation for my fellow man, so working at CapFund allows me to better manage my life’s passion and professional career.

What made the difference for me? About a month after starting this new job, I attended a groundbreaking of a new development in Indianapolis. The firm had organized the finances for the development of 74 housing units for permanent supportive veterans housing called Lincoln Apartments.

About 450 people showed up for the groundbreaking. I’d worn my Great Lakes Capital Fund name tag and nearly everyone thanked me for my support of the project, when in reality I had done nothing.

I was completely moved by everyone I talked to that morning as I learned firsthand about the impact Lincoln Apartments would make to the future residents, the surrounding community, those looking for work in the building trades, and local residents and business owners.

I forget sometimes how commercial real estate creates meaning for individuals — a place where loved ones live, a place to meet, grab a meal with friends, buy groceries, visit a doctor, get advice, and the list goes on and on.

So thank you, PN readers, for your comments/questions. I welcome your continued feedback.

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Paul DeKruiff
Paul DeKruiff
Paul DeKruiff is married, father of three daughters and a 17-year resident of Naperville. Contact him at pauldekruiff@comcast.net or (630) 446-0049.