Marquette Companies will host a Community Open House to unveil the revised plans for the Water Street District from 4-7:30PM Thur., Jan. 17, at the Pre-Emption House at Naper Settlement. The revised plan of the Water Street Mixed Use Development addresses building height, parking, traffic and hotel amenities proposed for the southern end of downtown Naperville between Webster and Main streets, along the Riverwalk. The plan includes a mix of retail, restaurant and luxury hotel and class A office space.
The recent photo below depicts Water Street along the Riverwalk targeted for redevelopment.
“We’ve been working diligently with City staff, our architects, traffic and parking specialists to address the issues brought up in public meetings and by members of the City Council,” said Nick Ryan, Managing Director of the Marquette Companies. “We are revising our plans to reflect the specific concerns and we believe that the updated plans will meet the guidelines and spirit of the Water Street Vision Statement and the Naperville Downtown 2030 Plan.”
According to the press release, Ryan hopes to garner response from the community to ensure that the plan ultimately presented in February will be an outstanding and viable development for Naperville.
“Marquette is a Naperville-based company and several of our partners and investors live in Naperville,” Ryan said. “Our desire is to have Water Street be a thriving mixed use development that we all can be proud of.”
Included in the Open House presentation will be revised proposed plans addressing building height, site plan, streetscape and public spaces, parking and traffic management as well as the hotel amenities details of the types of retail and restaurant amenities proposed for the development. A number of Marquette staff will be available to answer questions, and an informational handout will be available.
Following a number of inquiries regarding the time of a special presentation, Ryan clarified details of the open house.
“The format is one of an open house, with displays and information at different stations that show the information relative to the design, height, traffic, uses, garage design, etc.,” said Ryan Thursday morning. “There will be experts at each station to address specific questions relative to their area of expertise. You can let folks know that they can come anytime and they will receive the same information.”
Anyone who has been interested in this project since the beginning of its proposed development in 2007 is encouraged to attend. Feedback is welcome in advance of the developers’ presenting this version, as planned, to City Council on Feb. 19.
The Pre-Emption House on the grounds of Naper Settlement is located on the corner of Webster Street and Aurora Avenue. Parking is available at the Naperville Municipal Center, immediately across the street.