Writing a column, even if only once a month, can sometimes be daunting, and in my case nerve wracking. Human nature dictates that I put it off until the drop dead last minute and then nervously wrack my brain for an acceptable subject.
I’ve written this column for nine years and must admit sheepishly that some of my better ideas have come to me at 2 o’clock in the morning on my way to the bathroom.
The bathroom visits also worked for me when I ran a business. Another good incubator is airplanes. I’ve written about one-third of my columns while flying…on a plane of course.
Quite a few ideas have popped into my head in church on Sunday morning, and they have nothing to do with church whatsoever. That’s how attentive I am I guess.
I’ll bet being in jail could spawn a ton of ideas, but I won’t go there. What else is there to do but sit and think about a way to break out? (Just kidding Chief Bob)
If I sit down at my computer and try to come up with an idea, it just won’t happen. I’m sure most of you guys will remember when you were searching for a girlfriend when you were younger: The harder you tried the less luck you had, right? But when you were just wandering around aimlessly, ‘Bingo!’ there she was. Columns are like that.
Sometimes I think about giving the column up. Yet every time the thought crosses my mind, I seem to run into someone, usually a stranger, who mentions it.
Maybe I’m at Dean’s talking to Al DeGeeter, my old buddy from the Jaycees. Or at Anderson’s Bookshop learning about the new IndieBound Naperville promotion of how Dr. Suess’ Grinch will work for the holidays to get folks to shop locally at independents. Or at Quigley’s nursing a brew. Or at Einstein’s playing poker at breakfast with my grandson, TT.
Just when I think no one is reading, someone steps up to say, “Are you Ed Channell? I enjoy Ed’s Many Hats in Positively Naperville. I look forward to your column every month.”
Sometimes I tip my hat. This month it’s red with a white fur ball on the end. And I’m wishing everyone a happy holiday.
And now you know the rest of the column story…