74.1 F
Monday, May 20, 2024

Michael Albrow

Michael Albrow is a scientist emeritus at Fermilab, Batavia and a member of Naperville Sunrise Rotary. Born in England, Mike lived in Switzerland and Sweden before settling in the U.S. 25 years ago.

Science Corner – World Wide Web: Are you connected?

How would your life be different if the internet and the World Wide Web were switched off forever? You might nostalgically think life would...

Science Corner – Nature is the ultimate authority

Now that anybody can post anything on the internet, made up or not, it can get difficult to know the truth, posing great danger...

Science Corner – Beyond Ultima Thule – into Deepest Space

In 10 million years, will any signs of humanity remain on Earth’s surface? Nobody knows; possibly all the evidence will have been erased or...

Science Corner – The Coldest Place in the Milky Way?

Chicago in January may feel like the coldest place in the universe, but it’s colder at the South Pole. Scientists there, including some from...

Science Corner – Peace on Earth, and good will to all

“Wait,” you may be thinking, “I thought this was a science column. What has science to do with peace?” If you were to visit Fermilab...

Science Corner – Girls and young women, do you like science? Go for it!

Boys, too, of course, but let’s make a special effort to give girls encouragement, since for so long so many have been told they...

Science Corner – Can we predict the future?

In the 19th century some scientists thought that if we could know, at any given time, the position and velocity of every atom, we...

Science Corner – Almost touching the sun

Last month I talked about the heat of the sun, about 93 million miles away. On August 12 a spacecraft left Earth on a...

Science Corner – Why is the sun so hot?

As you roast – or grill – on the beach this summer you may be thinking the sun is hotter than usual. But of...

Science Corner – The three families

Did the title make you think of powerful people, and wonder who the second and third families are? This is a science corner, and...

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