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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Naperville kicks off holiday season with fun and a good time


The first weekend in December proved to be a great time for The Grinch, holiday sweaters and the new date with a new route for the  Little Friends Parade of Lights.

Thanks to all the folks at Little Friends, Inc., as well as Katie Wood, executive director of the Downtown Naperville Alliance, and all the volunteers and city service employees who again made possible this bright idea that attracted families and friends to get together downtown.

Crowds deeply  lined Main and Van Buren streets for the colorful light parade featuring performing arts organizations, school and scout groups and, of course,  local businesses.  There’s no turning back now!  The community celebrated the official beginning of the holidays with the arrival of Mr. Claus and Santa.  Embrace the simple joys of the season.

PN’s  Naper Lights 2012 offers dozens of photos that illuminate the good cheer this city spreads as the days grow shorter during this month of wonder.

More than ever, the events remind us how very blessed we are to live in a community that dedicates its time, talents and resources toward helping others, not only during the holidays, but all year.

Riverwalk  Santa House

Six commissioners from the Naperville Park District, each in a holiday sweater,  hopped on a golf cart for their entry in the Little Friends Parade of Lights. The park district also drew attention to  Western DuPage Suburban Recreation Association, an extension of nine park districts, including Naperville, that serves more than 4,500 individual children and adults with special needs in  fun and active  recreational programs.

From now until Dec. 23, the Naperville Park District will host the Riverwalk Santa House along Jackson St. at Webster, near the Civic Plaza.  Regular hours are 12-6PM on Saturdays and Sundays.  Hours are 4-8PM on weekdays beginning Dec. 14.

Several nights, Dec. 10-12, have been set aside for families with special needs at the Riverwalk Santa House. Kindly register in advance.

The Grinch is all over town

According to Andy Nosek, a manager at Quigley’s Irish Pub, six people collected  “I found the Grinch” slips during just one shift on Friday. Ashley Penick, assistant manager at Heaven on Seven,  said youngsters had stopped in the New Orleans-style restaurant at different times since the promotion started on Nov. 22.

Then Saturday, Becky Anderson said already 12 individuals have turned in 16  “I found Grinch” slips in order to be eligible for the Indie-Bound Naperville  gift basket that will be drawn during festivities at 2PM Fri., Dec. 28, at Anderson’s Bookshop, located at 123 W. Jefferson.

In addition to Dr. Seuss books and other items from Naperville’s independent business community, a Cock Robin “Be ONE in a Million” t-shirt will be included in the IndieBound Naperville gift basket prize.  The Cock Robin t-shirts with the Little Friends logo on back, were produced by Positively Naperville, and printed by Color Burst, a nonprofit socially responsible custom screen printing business that is a division of  Little Friends, Inc.

Meanwhile, look for the grumpy, green Dr. Seuss character  hidden in stores and businesses throughout Naperville from Dog Patch Pet & Feed and Second Chance Resale on Ogden to AnaBanana Kids in Naperville Plaza to O’cie Floral by the Train Station and both locations of Two Bostons, to name just a few in addition to the independents in downtown Naperville.   It’s all part of Naperville’s Grow Your Heart Three Sizes promotion this holiday season to help showcase the city’s independent businesses.

This city is connected! 

When you’re looking for things to do, places to go, people to meet, visit www.positivelynaperville.com.

This mobile-ready website offers a handy “Search PN” tool to help readers find many local stories posted about “Cock Robin,” “Little Friends,”  “Downtown Snowman Sculptures,”  “The Grinch,”  “Service & Giving,” “Community Events,” “Holiday Concerts” and much, much  more.

The pull downs on the Navigation Bar provide links to many opportunities in this vibrant community.

This website is accessible from  mobile phones, tablets and smart pads. It’s changing daily with the times.

Again, many thinks for reading.

PN’s  Naper Lights 2012 is interactive. Send your illuminating holiday photos for posting, too.


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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.