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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Chuck Keough

Chuck Keough has practiced community association law, real estate law, corporate law and civil litigation for businesses, nonprofits and individuals for 21 years. Chuck can be reached at or cmk@kmlegal.com or (630) 369-2700 ext. 211.

I love DuPage GIS

In my line of work, I frequently need to determine who owns a parcel of property. In DuPage County, starting your inquiry at www.dupageco.org/gis is...

What is an easement anyway?

Recently Nicor notified me that it would be installing a new gas main and a new gas service line at my home. I did...

My board of directors is clueless!

“Help! Our board of directors does not follow the bylaws.” Oh, how many times have I heard this during the course of representing condominium and...

Hiring a Contractor – A Certificate of Insurance is not Enough

When a contractor is hired to perform work on one’s property, there are risks involved. As most prudent homeowners know, it is always wise...

Full Circle

In 1984, the Kroehler Family YMCA hired a high school kid from Woodridge to teach swimming lessons and lifeguard at its pools. I was...