The following events are hosted by Anderson’s Bookshop in downtown Naperville unless otherwise noted.
March Events
March 12, 2020 / Note: Anderson’s Bookshops have been closely following the Covid-19 outbreak and response. Guest authors make their own decisions regarding public appearances and we will present our scheduled events with those authors who continue touring. Customers should check our website for the most up-to-date information regarding event cancellations. Additionally, as the safety of our guests and employees remains our number one priority, we rely on public health guidance and endorse the CDC in asking that those experiencing symptoms stay home. —Candy Purdom for Anderson’s
3 – Rebecca Siegel, author of To Fly Among the Stars. 7PM. Kids Non-Fiction
4 – Erik Larson, authors of The Splendid and the Vile. 7PM at Pfeiffer Hall, 310 E. Benton Ave. Tickets available at: Non-Fiction
4 – Epic Reads Tour including Young Adult authors Elana K Arnold (Red Hood), Mindy McGinnis (Be Not Far From Me), Evelyn Skye (Cloak of Night). 7PM. Young Adult
8 – Local Authors Panel, “You are Amazing Book Tour,” five authors with social-emotional children’s titles, 1PM. Children’s
10 – Pageturners Book Group discussion of Everybody’s Son by Thrity Umrigar, 9:30AM. Book Discussion
10 – Cover to Cover Book Group discussion of Everybody’s Son by Thrity Umrigar, 7PM at Harbor Chase, 1619 N. Mill St. Book Discussion
10 – Tui T. Sutherland, author of Dragonslayer (Wings of Fire: Legends). 7PM at Meiley-Swallow Hall, 31 S. Ellsworth St. on the campus of North Central College. Middle Grade
11 – Neal Shusterman, author of The Toll. 7PM. Young Adult
12 – Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, author of Stamped: Racism, Anti-Racism and You, 7PM at Meiley-Swallow Hall, 31 S. Ellsworth St. Tickets exclusively at Kids Non-Fiction
15 – Rebecca Serle, author of In Five Years. 2PM. Fiction CANCELED
16 – Open Discussion Project, sponsored by the National Coalition Against Censorship, the American Booksellers Association and the National Institute for Civil Discourse at 7PM. Discussion Group
17 – Moira Dolan, author of Boneheads & Brainiacs. 7PM. Non-Fiction
18 – Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, authors of You Will Be Found, 7PM at Meiley-Swallow Hall, 31 S. Ellsworth St. Tickets exclusively at Young Adult CANCELED
21 – Juan David Campolargo, author of Generation Optimism, 2PM. Non-Fiction
22 – Nick Bruel, author of Bad Kitty Joins the Team. 2PM. Middle Grade CANCELED
23 – Cynthia Beebe, author of Boots in the Ashes. 7PM. Non-Fiction
24 – Joanna Hathaway & Rosaria Munda, authors of Storm From the East (Hathaway) and Fireborne, (Munda). 7PM.
28 – Rachel Vail in Downers Grove for Bad Best Friend. 2PM CANCELED
29 – James Rollins, author of The Last Odyssey. 2PM. Fiction
31 – TJ Klune, author of The House in the Cerulean Sea, 7PM. Fantasy
Events held at Anderson’s Naperville unless otherwise noted.
Anderson’s Bookshop
Naperville, 123 W. Jefferson Ave.
Anderson’s Toy Shop, 111 W. Jefferson Ave.
(630) 355-2665
Downers Grove, 5112 Main St.
(630) 963-2665
La Grange, 265 LaGrange Rd.
(708) 582-6363
Disclaimer – Times and venues are subject to change without notice. Contact Anderson’s Bookshop for up-to-the minute info.
IndieBound Naperville
Award-winning Anderson’s Bookshop initiated the founding of IndieBound Naperville in 2008. The educational group of independent businesses with the distinguishing bright red signs meets monthly (Usually at 6PM on the first Monday of the month) at Kreger’s Brat & Sausage Haus to share experiences and best practices. New members always are welcome to link with the growing group of independent business owners focused on educating the community about the importance of shopping locally whenever possible.
To learn more about IndieBound Naperville, visit