Above / The 125th commemorative sign posted at 908 W. Jackson Avenue marks the turn toward the spacious parking lot of the Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873.
The Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873 has announced that its Friday night Fish Fry will return beginning at 4:30PM Fri., March 7, and will continue Friday evenings through April 18, 2025.
For more than 50 years, Veterans, family and friends have recognized the annual Friday Night Fish Fry as a much-beloved tradition during the Friday night social scene in Naperville.
Organizers note the annual fish fry is popular place for a family dinner or to get together with friends to celebrate the end of the week.
“Last year we began revitalizing our beloved fish fry into the community-centered event we strive for and I’m really looking forward to the annual event again beginning the first Friday in March,” said Staci Boyer, Commander of the VFW Post 3873, who also chairs the weekly Fish Fry.
For 2025, the Friday Night Fish Fry will be held from 4:30PM to 7:30PM every Friday beginning March 7 through April 18.
Draft Picks in Naperville again will cater the popular menu. Four pieces of fish and fries will be served for $15 a plate. For another $5, add a slice of pizza or shrimp.
A cash bar will be open.
Student volunteers help make a difference

Boyer adds that the popular community event is always looking for volunteers, noting that teens from the high schools were a big help last year and are welcome back this year, too.

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The Judd Kendall VFW Post is located at 908 W. Jackson Ave.

For more information about the many programs, services and community projects provided by members of the Naperville Judd Kendall VFW, visit www.napervfw3873.org.