16.2 F
Sunday, February 16, 2025

Transitions – Mature Career Changers


Did you know that the average American has had 12 jobs? (Mine range from elevator operator, truck driver, and factory worker)

So, how many jobs have you had? A poll conducted in 2021 found that approximately half (52%) of American employees were considering making a career change. Forty-four percent were already planning to make a switch. (Fast Company: Career Evolution “Is Now a Good Time to Change Careers.” Feb. 22, 2021).

This figure may have changed since the pandemic, but millions of Boomers (Folks born l946 to 1964) retired early or lost jobs while not ready to retire. But they found themselves free to change. Gen Xers (Born 1965 to 1980), on the other hand, have become the “Whatever” at work. They are edgy and tired of waiting for promotions at work as their elders put off retirement. Millennials take note – this situation might soon overtake you.

I wrote a script about career changers that I called “Happy Dance.” My premise was anyone making a significant change in their career, possibly untraditional, could be happier.

Some Penn State economists “measuring” happiness found a marked correlation between age and work satisfaction. Thirty-year-olds and 70-year-olds were asked who was happier. Both groups responded they thought 30-year-olds were happier. Counter-intuitively, the research suggested that 70-year-olds were happier.

Several books have been released which focus on people making career changes, sometimes late in life. I made a career change earlier in life. After college, I was an educator, then transitioned to become an actress and now writer.

My choices were sometimes stressful, but overall, I’ve been happy with the career path that gave me time to parent, and later, a pension.

From businessman to teacher, inventor or small business owner – people who step out of the rat race and embrace new challenges can recognize the joy in our outwardly youth-oriented society. Maturity can lead to a Happy Dance – a satisfying blast!

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Barbara Blomquist
Barbara Blomquist
Barbara Blomquist is a Naperville resident, wife, mother, quilter, and screenwriter. Contact her at BWBLomquist@aol.com.