9.5 F
Monday, February 17, 2025

Naperville Rules! Properly Placed Yard Signs Are Allowed and Appreciated


Considering that the 2025 Consolidated Election is set for April 1, it’s no joke that improperly-placed campaign signs again will be a much-debated issue among some candidates.

The City’s website, Naperville.il.us, notes that “the City’s sign code is titled ‘Street Graphics Control'” and can be found in Chapter 16 of Title 6 of the Municipal Code. Signage located in the public right-of-way (the area between the street and the sidewalk, a.k.a. “parkway” throughout neighborhoods) is prohibited. Place campaign signs regarding candidates and referendums in the yard area between the house or building and the sidewalk.

In recent years, PN continually has received notices that campaign signs and commercial signs have been placed improperly at corners and in parkways.

What residents need to know is Odgen Avenue is a State road. 75th Street is a County road. Naperville/Plainfield Road is a Township road. Those jurisdictions (and the roads that run through them) may have different places to report offenses.

Other residents on social media report campaign signs have “been stolen” from their property. Quite likely, if campaign signs located in the parkway are now missing, code enforcement picked up the signs.

Residents are not permitted to take down campaign signs placed by other residents. Give Code Enforcement a call (630-420-6693 Opt. 3) to report violations of out-of-place signs on City streets.

During travels around towns during recent elections, many campaign signs were spotted improperly placed along River Road as well as throughout neighborhoods south of Aurora Avenue.

For more information about Naperville code enforcement, visit www.naperville.il.us/residents/code-enforcement. To report a violation, kindly call (630) 420-6693 Opt. 3 or email ce@naperville.il.us. Get to know Naperville rules.

Another way to contact the City as well as the Mayor and other City Council members is via napervilleil.mycusthelp.com/webapp. Simply click “My Help Center.”

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PN Editor
PN Editor
An editor is someone who prepares content for publishing. It entered English, the American Language, via French. Its modern sense for newspapers has been around since about 1800.