11.2 F
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Engaging Aging – Retirement: Are You Psychologically and Emotionally Ready?


First off, retirement isn’t for the faint of heart; rather, it is a huge change in life and, welcomed or not, it is always associated with an array of emotions and a good deal of stress.

Why can retirement be so stressful? Besides the obvious worry of growing older and wondering if there will be enough money, there is another entire dimension of retirement that is often overlooked and not discussed and that is the emotional and psychological adjustment to retiring.

There are many new adjustments to make: saying goodbye to a routine you once had and forming a new one, staying busy, and adding fulfillment and purpose to your life.

We often define ourselves by what we do for a living. Once we retire, we might struggle with the question of “who am I now?”

By looking at what brings you pleasure and joy you will realize what is meaningful to you. Make a list and ask family and friends to chime in. Next, look at how you might want to contribute to something. This will help you define what you are passionate about. Together, these two can work together to start shaping your new identity and help you emotionally adjust to this transition.

I recently read that if you think like a young person, it can help with forming a concrete plan for retirement. Young people are full of dreams and aspirations. Ask yourself what new goals and aspirations you might have. What would you like to do? You are never too old to dream! Large or small, goals are important because having things in life that we still want to accomplish can foster a sense of purpose and provide meaning. Having a sense of purpose can equip us emotionally to navigate this new season of life. Hobbies, volunteering, and socializing with others have also been found to improve both mental and physical health of retirees.

Feeling scared and unsure in retirement is natural, but having a plan in place is empowering and can help smooth the transition.

Carpe Diem!

Next Memory Café is Jan. 14, 2025.

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Arlene Orr
Arlene Orr
Arlene Orr is a Naperville resident and member of the Naperville Senior Task Force.