26 F
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Ed’s Many Hats – Seasons of Ed


At my age everything is either true or false, black or white, right or wrong, Ed or Bo. No gray area is to be found. I tried the gray area for 50 years and it was too open for discussions about nothing to suit me. As the old saying goes, “My way or the highway.”

For me, spring started March 19 when my tulips were up and blooming.

Summer started June 24 when I started golfing with buddies I’ve known for 50-plus years. Everything perfect so far.

So naturally, I expected when autumn started at 7:43AM Sun., Sept. 22, all the tree leaves would be golden yellow, the roses would be waving goodbye for their hibernation, and the sky would be filled with our Naperville geese in flight from Naperville Country Club south to Tamarack Golf Course for the winter. And, of course, a football game would be playing on every field in the area by noon.

Bummer so far this fall… The geese appear to be flying around in circles like they’re confused, and not one multicolored leaf has shown itself as I write this story.

You might ask whether spring or autumn is my favorite season. I’d probably say where I am at the time. Yet, whenever I come back from Florida in late April, I think spring is the best. Everything is being born again; blooms on the trees, flowers poking their heads out of the earth, birds building nests, robins are hopping around after worms, and a feeling that life is starting anew. It’s probably the best mindset of the year other than the Christmas season, when everyone loves everybody for at least a week.

In closing, let me warn anyone who might be considering Florida for their next life, there are only two seasons; wet and dry. Totally dry from October until June and then rain every day. And sometimes a hurricane.

Just when I was wrapping up this story, ready to remind folks that Florida is full and not to come, I heard the horrific news about Hurricane Helene. Now I’m saying prayers for all those impacted by the natural disaster. I’m grateful for how quickly Florida restored power and cleared roads. Yet, concerned that other parts of the South and along the East Coast are suffering from inland damage and deaths.

If you can, support one of the relief efforts being organized by the Red Cross, Salvation Army or Samaritan’s Purse. Thank you.

PN Editor’s Note / Channell’s story went to press before we knew about the benefit planned from 11:30AM to 9PM Tues., Oct. 15, at Meson Sabika in support of the relief efforts by World Vision. 100 percent of sales will go toward helping in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.

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Ed Channell
Ed Channell
Ed Channell has served on many boards, foundations and fundraising campaigns during more than 50 years in Naperville—and he loves feedback. Give it to him at echannell1@gmail.com.