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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Turning Pointe Autism Foundation: Congrats on ten years


This month, Jimmy celebrated an incredible milestone—ten years working at Walgreens! He was part of one of the original cohorts of Turning Pointe’s Employment Training Program. Back then, it was a nine-month commitment to learn retail and warehousing through partnerships with Walgreens and Office Max. Jimmy’s success story is a testament to the impact of this program.

Over the last ten years, the program has evolved and now offers a 12-week course, including training at Walgreens and the Made to Inspire Cafe. In addition to learning work skills and exploring employment opportunities, participants enjoy fun social activities and practice with a dedicated team of professionals at Turning Pointe.

If you know adults on the spectrum who are eager to gain independent employment, now is the perfect time to get involved. The new cohort begins this fall, and you can refer them to Mary Butler at mbutler@turningpointeaf.org. Learn more about how this program could be the start of their success story, just like Jimmy’s, by visiting the website at Turning Pointe Autism Foundation Employment Training Program.

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Turning Pointe Autism Foundation
Turning Pointe Autism Foundationhttp://turningpointeautismfoundation.org/
Established in 2007 to raise the quality of educational supports for children and young adults with autism, Turning Pointe Autism Foundation creates best practice learning environments to increase independence, improve communication and socially appropriate behaviors.