Is your teen interested in learning more about nonprofit careers and leadership? Through the KidsMatter Teen Philanthropy Initiative (TPI), high school juniors and seniors learn about the three pillars of philanthropy: Fundraising, Grantmaking and Community Service, through authentic experiences.
TPI is a unique two-year program that gives juniors and seniors the opportunity to participate in an intensive hands-on learning experience through which they are taught the art, science and business of philanthropy. Students study nonprofit basics, receive college credit at North Central College, and oversee a grant award program in the first year of their participation and a fundraising campaign in the second. TPI’s third pillar, volunteerism (community service) is also an important part of TPI each year.
Recently, 30 high school students completed the first year of the initiative, and 12 area nonprofits benefitted from their initial grant awards totaling $10,000. This first cohort, now seniors, will spend this year learning about funding for nonprofits, how to conduct a fundraising campaign, and how to steward donors and solicit funds in a variety of ways. The funds they raise will be used for the following year’s grant awards. A second cohort of 30 juniors will begin the program this fall.
The idea for TPI in Naperville came from the Oak Park-based Three Pillars Initiative, a national nonprofit that aims to provide teens with comprehensive leadership skills and experiences so the next generation can sustainably impact community philanthropy and civic improvement during their lifetime.
Since KidsMatter has a leadership role, I have been serving with Mark Trembacki, Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer of Busey Bank, to implement TPI in Naperville as
community co-chairs, Janet Sommerville serves as program coordinator; and first-year mentors included Lauren DeSimone, Amanda Kunzer, Dawn Portner, Marion Ruthig and Yashica Weeks.
Visit the KidsMatter website ( to learn more and mark your calendars for the spring application period. If your teen is looking for hands-on experiences, TPI is a leadership development program that benefits both the students and the community.